Drug Trafficking and The Impact on Minorities I came up with the research question, if there is something better i should use please let me know. Prompt fo

Drug Trafficking and The Impact on Minorities I came up with the research question, if there is something better i should use please let me know. Prompt for Research Paper English 101 winter 2019
Please write a 7-10-page paper regarding Activism; Doing something for the greater good;
Involvement; Standing up for Rights; Insisting on the Truth. You could also consider
Leadership/Leader(s); Radicalism/Radical(s). You should focus on these conceptual ideas and
find examples in life that show evidence of these things. Evidence often forms your paper and
creates focus. We discussed some of the events and time periods that could be chosen, but I
would like you to begin a search of your own with activism in mind. Have a few ideas when we
return to class on Tuesday to share with the group. Remember your choice needs to coincide
with others for group presentations, so have a first, second and third choice.
As you know, the paper should have MLA formatting, size 12 Times New Roman font, several
quotes and a Works Cited page that has a listing of at least 5-8 sources.
These sources can be from data bases in the library: periodicals, newspaper or magazine
articles, interviews, documentaries, news programs, books, book chapters, or essays.
This is a research paper first. It should have crystal clear focus making use of sources to fulfill
this focus. This assignment includes a short presentation at the end of the semester.
Definition of Activism: Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, or
direct social, political, economic, or environmental reform or stasis with the desire to make
improvements in society. Forms of activism range from writing letters to newspapers or to
politicians, political campaigning, economic activism such as boycotts or preferentially
patronizing businesses, rallies, street marches, strikes, sit-ins, hunger strikes, campaigning,
running for office, etc.
Perhaps you consider one or more Radicals or Freethinkers: A Freethinker is a broader
umbrella term that embraces a rainbow of unorthodoxy. Perhaps it is religious dissent, a hint
or flourish of skepticism, or simply unconventional thinking. Mostly it’s about truth and
change. What motivates people to take action? It is a willingness to risk perhaps even life
itself, depending on the uprising/ era you choose. What makes these individuals different,
those who are willing to take action, step out of their comfort zone and risk their credibility or
family, etc. in pursuit of a goal?
MOVEMENTS: American Independence, the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation, the
Women’s Rights Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and of course other movements
outside of the US should/could be considered: the Indian Revolution, French Revolution, etc.
PEOPLE: Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Mohammed Ali, Gloria Steinem,
Bella Abzug, Shirley Chisholm, Bernie Sanders, Cesar Chavez, Malala Yousafzai, Henry David
Thoreau, etc.
The Research: The research should expand your thinking and encourage you to delve where
you might not have thought you were going. It is best to have what one might feel is “too
much” material and then you can weed things out and focus the material to clarify for yourself
what’s important and what will be useful.
CAREFUL: Often we make assumptions before doing the work and I want to encourage you to
keep your minds open. Perspective is important too. Context and culture manipulate how we
see things. Be careful to understand the context of all your research.

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