E-Trade Case study Analysis The format and details are in the files which I have uploaded for you. No big words and just focus on the requirement. FORMAT

E-Trade Case study Analysis The format and details are in the files which I have uploaded for you.

No big words and just focus on the requirement. FORMAT FOR CASE STDUY ANALYSIS
1. Title page (see the sample)
2. Table of contents
3. Background (Situational Analysis):
Analyze the company’s present position and the Mission statement. Keep
this part short (about a page) to the point. (5 points)
4. SWOT Analysis:
(Use chapter 3 for External Factors and chapter 4 for Internal Factors). Identify
the organization’s Internal Strengths and Weaknesses and identify the
organization’s External Opportunities and Threats. The analysis should be
comprehensive. Make sure that you are thorough. Also, when presenting each
part of the analysis, items should be in rank order of importance. This section
should be prepared in bullet format, one full sentence for each (neither
one/two words, nor a paragraph).
At Least 5 items for each of SWOT must be listed. The more and accurate
ones earn more points. (20 points)
(Use your financial management text book and chapter 4 for all necessary ratios
(at least 5 ratios required). Each Ratio is expected to be analyzed and explained in
the following order:
1. The name of the ratio
2. The definition (Use chapter 4)
3. The formula
4. Calculation for two year period
5. Comparison and conclusion: Compare two year results and conclude if the latest
year of the two years result is favorable or unfavorable and explain why.
(20 points)
a. Identify the central problem. (Check out the internal weaknesses and external
threats). Generally the central problem is a financial problem
b. List at least 3 Symptoms of the central problem
c. List at least 3 Root Causes of the central problem
d. List Two minor problems (No symptoms no root causes required) (10 points)
Use chapter 3 (EFE and CPM matrices) and chapter 4 (IFE Matrix) for the first
case study and for the second and individual case studies add one more matrix of
your choice from chapter 6 matrices (15 points)
Offer at least 3 solutions to the central problem. Each solution should be written
in one full sentence (Neither one/two words, nor a full paragraph).
Select one out of the three solutions, which you believe is the best solution
(#8 & #9. 5 points)
Objective: Should be specific, quantified and should have a time period to
be achieved. Example: To increase food sales by 10% in two years.
Strategy #1. Select a strategy from chapter 5 for the above objective.
Example: Forward Integration strategy. Include the definition.
Two Tactics for the above strategy. An example: Open stores to your own
manufactured products. Apple started manufacturing computers, phones, etc. and
then used forward integration strategy by opening stores to sell their own products
to customers.
Strategy #2. Again select one strategy from chapter 5 with definition.
Two Tactics for the above strategy follow the example above. (15 points)
This is the only section of the case study that students are allowed to use
materials from outside the text book resources. Offer at least three short
paragraphs on recent news about the firm from Google, Yahoo, Wall Street
Journal company’s profile and the company’s official websites.
Include the firm’s latest stock price and 52 week high and low. (5 points)
12. Work Cited /Bibliography (#1 , #2, & #12. All 5 points)

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