EC230/EEC2225 Rasmussen College Module 4 Fair vs Equal Treatment Paper As discussed earlier in the Module, fair and equal are two terms often used intercha

EC230/EEC2225 Rasmussen College Module 4 Fair vs Equal Treatment Paper As discussed earlier in the Module, fair and equal are two terms often used interchangeably in early childhood education, when they are actually very different. Using what you now know, write a 1-page paper that addresses the following situation and respond to the question below.You are an educator for a group of 6 mixed age children in a family child care setting. The children are 18 months to 4 years of age. One of the three years olds brings in a small blanket that they use as comfort and is feeling down today. You have just worked hard to wean an 18 month old off of their pacifier.Do you allow the three year old to have their blanket? Why/Why not?Include at least one outside resource to support your response. Be sure to cite resource(s) properly on an APA formatted References page.

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