EC230/EEC2225 Rasmussen Mod 5 Course Project Assignments Final Submission As you approach the end of this course, its time to assemble the final version of

EC230/EEC2225 Rasmussen Mod 5 Course Project Assignments Final Submission As you approach the end of this course, its time to assemble the final version of your Guidance Plan and write a clear introduction and Conclusion for the project(refer to the Course Project-Introduction for additional details).

Review your individual Course Project Assignments, including any feedback you received from your instructor.

As you get reacquainted with the elements of your Guidance Plan, be sure to make appropriate revisions to your documents, as requested by your instructor.

Write a short introduction describing your Guidance Plan?

Add your update Course Project Assignments to your Word document in the following order?

Assess the Situation

New information about Jana

Draft of Guidance Plan

Write your Conclusion?

Summaries your Guidance Plan.

Reflect on the process, using examples from the plan.

Highlight the key elements and summarize reasons for why you chose the strategies included in your plan.

Describe to your audience why and how your plan is an effective one.

Provide an APA formatted References page containing the APA citations for all of your research references (for help with format, refer to the link provided on the resources tab in this course).

Your final Guidance Plan should be 6-10 pages, written in APA format with proper spelling and grammar

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