EC241/EEC2213 Rasmussen College Module 1 Preschool Classroom Paper It’s time to start thinking about your course project. Throughout this course, you will

EC241/EEC2213 Rasmussen College Module 1 Preschool Classroom Paper It’s time to start thinking about your course project. Throughout this course, you will create a series of newsletters and lesson plans that will help promote the literacy and language development of young English Language Learners. Ideally, these will be artifacts for you to implement and use in your instructional setting.

For this assignment, choose the group of children that you will be focusing on for your project. Describe your choice of early childhood education setting for your ELL newsletters and lesson plans. These might include:

Traditional preschool classroom

Early care and education classroom

Family home child care setting

Other, such as social services (explain to your instructor)

In addition to describing your setting, begin setting the stage for your intentions as a multicultural educator. Answer the question below. Support your ideas with specific details and examples:

1. Explain why it is important to foster meaningful communication with families-particularly ELL families

2. Explain why it is important to foster meaningful communication with fellow co-workers, staff, or colleagues.

3. Consider your role as an educator. In what ways does this position require you to be an advocate for all learners?

4. How can you ensure that your instruction and communication is factual and non-biased?

Your complete assignment should be a minimum of two pages.

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