ENEE3720L UTC preparatory laboratory report this is the second prelab report, everything is uploaded.please use this website if you need to draw a circuit

ENEE3720L UTC preparatory laboratory report this is the second prelab report, everything is uploaded.please use this website if you need to draw a circuit Falsad.com/circuit ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT
Each student is required to write a brief preparatory laboratory report (prelab) on each
experiment and submit it to the instructor prior to the beginning of the lab. The Preliminary
Report should provide you enough insight on how to perform and what to expect from the
The Preliminary Report should contain the following information as applicable:
1. A cover page consisting of title, experiment, names of partner(s), course number and
section number.
2. Essential circuit diagrams (properly labeled and with all locations for pertinent
measurements clearly indicated) to be used. Any special safety precautions and/or
comments should be noted.
3. Preliminary calculations, simulations and pertinent information that may be necessary for
the completion of the experiment.
4. Explanation of anticipated results that may be theoretically obtained before any
experimental work is performed. There also should be a discussion of the meaning of the
predicted results along with their implications and possible sources of error that may be
5. Answers to questions asked in the lab procedures that could be answered prior to the
In addition, the student may wish to include for his own future certain theoretical material which
he has developed and /or copied from references. The source of the reference material used
should be given.
A well-prepared Preliminary Report will allow the student team to proceed with the laboratory
work without delay and with little, if any assistance from the laboratory instructor.
ENEE 3720L – Analog Electronics Laboratory
Laboratory #2 – Lossy Integrator
The purpose of this experiment is to study a lossy integrator and its time and frequency domain
behavioral characteristics. Analysis will consist of implementing the circuits in the laboratory and
taking measurements.
 LM-741 Operational Amplifier
 Assorted Resistors, Capacitors
 Functional Generator

DC Power Supply
Digital Multimeter
Figure 1: Lossy Integrator
1) Design the circuit in Figure 1 to achieve a low-frequency gain of -20. Specify the values of
R1 used to achieve the gain if R2 is 20 kΩ and C is 20 µf. Calculate the 3-dB frequency.
Measure the actual values of R1 and R2.
2) Using the functional generator, apply input sine signal of 50mVpk−pk, VIN.
3) Using an oscilloscope, observe and record the output voltage, VOUT waveform for
frequencies of 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, and 5 kHz. Derive the time-domain
equation for the output in terms of the input.
4) Gradually increase the frequency of the input sine wave until the output’s amplitude is
about 70% of step 2. Record this frequency as your -3 dB frequency.
Lab #2 – Lossy Integrator
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ENEE 3720L – Analog Electronics Laboratory
Laboratory #2 – Lossy Integrator
1) How well did your simulation results match your experimental results? Please explain any
discrepancies between the hand calculations, simulations, and experiments.
2) Recalculate the theoretical gain and the -3 dB frequency of the circuit using the measured
resistor values. Are the recalculated values closer to your measured values?
3) Sketch the magnitude and phase Bode plots for the transfer function VOUT / VIN.
4) In your prelab, simulate the circuit in Pspice and confirm that the circuit performs as an
Lab #2 – Lossy Integrator
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