ENG125 Ashford University We Came All the Way from Cuba Analysis PART ONE: ·Write an analysis of a key character in the literary work “We Came All the Way

ENG125 Ashford University We Came All the Way from Cuba Analysis PART ONE:

·Write an analysis of a key character in the literary work “We Came All the Way from Cuba so You Could Dress Like This?” .

·Focus on two or three key actions of that character. Discuss the character’s motivations and decisions in terms you can support with clear evidence from a critical reading of the text.

·Consider whether this character’s actions fit together or contradict each other. You may also want to consider whether or not any other characters in the story are aware of this conflict, and if so, how they influence the character you are writing about.

·Create a working thesis.

·What are three key ideas that you will discuss in support of your thesis?

“We Came All the Way from Cuba so You Could Dress Like This?” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Achy Obejas, 1994)

Guiding Questions

1.To what conflicts does the title allude (social? Political? Cultural? others?)?

2.The first-person narrator switches tenses (from present to future). How does this create tension in the story?

3.How is the narrator’s internal conflict (“man v. self”) merely an internalization of political, familial, and social conflict?


For this assignment, you will write an annotated bibliography on three sources. For detailed information on how to create your Annotated Bibliography, please see this Sample Annotated Bibliography.

In your Annotated Bibliography, you will

·Copy and paste the writing prompt you chose to explore in Week One into a Word Document.

·Restate the working thesis you created in Week One below your writing prompt.

·In this same document, identify your primary source (your short story) and two secondary, academic sources.

·Summarize each source and explain how the source supports your working thesis. These summaries should be 100 to 150 words for each entry.

For the Annotated Bibliography assignment, you will write annotations for three sources. One source should be a primary source. Next, you will choose two secondary sources that are additional to the text.

The two sources you locate must be academic sources and come from peer-reviewed journals or other scholarly publications. For information on finding sources within the Ashford Library, please view the ENG125 – Literature Research tutorial (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

The Annotated Bibliography includes a citation of the source in APA format. It also includes a brief summary of the source. Purchase answer to see full

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