English120 Cuyamaca Fixed Mindset read the article please https://wcc.yccd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Br… and , please answer the following questio

English120 Cuyamaca Fixed Mindset read the article please


and , please answer the following questions:

Explain what Dweck means by “fixed” mindset (1). What are the characteristics of a fixed mindset?
Explain Dweck’s concept of a “growth” mindset (1). What are the traits of a growth mindset?
How did the author test her theory of mindsets and how intelligence is developed? In your opinion, did the author prove her theory? How?
The author explains that “negatively stereotyped students” (Dweck 4) benefit from the research findings. Provide some examples of negative stereotyping and how these types of generalizations harm students. How are these students helped or harmed by their mindsets?
Do you think you have a “fixed” or “growth mindset” (Dweck 1)? Has your perspective on learning changed since reading the article?
Additional Requirements

Your responses should be in full sentences and at least 300-400 words in length.

You need to respond to at least 3 of classmates. Your responses should be more than “I agree/I like what your are saying.” Your responses should be at least 100-150 words in length.

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