ESL533 Grand Canyon 7th Grade Class Azella Scores Proficiency Level Analysis Details: Analyze the proficiency level data in the “Ms. Jensen’s 7th Grade Cl
ESL533 Grand Canyon 7th Grade Class Azella Scores Proficiency Level Analysis Details:
Analyze the proficiency level data in the “Ms. Jensen’s 7th Grade Class AZELLA Scores” document to place the students into appropriate groups for in-class activities.
In a 500-750-word essay, describe how you would group these students for in-class English language arts activities. Include a rationale for your choices.
Support this assignment with three scholarly resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide
1. Textbook: Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners
Review Chapter 11 and read Chapter 12.
2. Guide to Navigating and Using AZELLA Reports
Read the “Guide to Navigating and Using AZELLA Reports,” located on the Arizona
Department of Education website.
Attached is the different ELL levels so you can review for this assignment. I also attached an example of this assignment, DO NOT USE and the template to use to complete this assignment. ELL Proficiency Levels
Level 1 – Basic
Students at this level have very limited or no understanding of English. They rarely
use English for communication. They can respond non-verbally to commands,
statements and questions in simple form. As their oral comprehension increases,
they begin to use simple words and phrases, and may use English spontaneously.
They should be developing BICS at this level (see BICS page)
Level 2 – Low Intermediate
These students can understand short conversations on simple topics. They rely on
familiarity. They use repetition, gestures and non-verbal cues to sustain
conversation. When reading, students at this level can understand basic narrative
text and authentic materials, although they will be below grade level. They rely on
contextual and visual cues to aid in comprehension. They can begin to identify the
main idea and supporting details of passages. They can write simple notes and
make brief journal entries using basic vocabulary and common language structures.
Frequent errors are characteristic at this level.
Level 3 – High Intermediate
At this level, students can understand standard speech delivered in most settings
with some repetition and rewording. They can understand the main idea and some
details of extended discourse. They can communicate orally in most settings.
Students at this level can comprehend the content of many texts independently,
although they still may not be on grade level. They still require support in
understanding academic text. They can read many literature selections for pleasure.
They can write multi-paragraph compositions, journal entries, letters and creative
passages. They can present their thoughts in an organized manner, but errors may
still be present.
Level 4 – Proficient
Students at this level have adequate language skills for day-to-day communication.
Occasional structural and lexical errors still occur. They may still have difficulty with
idiomatic expressions and words with multiple meanings. They may still have
difficulty with complex structures and abstract academic concepts, but are able to
communicate in English in new or unfamiliar settings. Students at this level write for
personal and academic purposes. Structures, vocabulary and overall organization
should approximate the writing of native speakers at their level. However, it is still
possible for errors to occur.
Level 5 – Advanced Proficient
Students at this advanced level have demonstrated English proficiency as determined
by state assessment instruments (ELPA -English Language Proficient Assessment).
They are expected to be able to participate fully with their peers in grade level content
area classes.
Proficiency Level Analysis
Grand Canyon University: ESL-533
Proficiency Level Analysis
When classroom data reveals students with multiple levels of proficiency, it becomes
extremely important to establish a learning environment that includes small group instruction.
These “supportive classroom environments, characterized by positive and collaborative
interactions with peers and teachers, are important to ELL students’ academic performance”
(LeClair, Doll, Osborn & Jones, 2009, p. 570). Groups can be created based upon students’
levels of proficiency but should also be flexible to provide opportunities for students to learn
from other peers who have strengths in areas different from their own.
Groups for ELA Activities
Since Ms. Jensen’s 7th grade class has a wide range of proficiency levels, it would be
beneficial to establish multiple small groups for English Language Arts activities. One effective
strategy “to improve ELs’ English reading is to provide intensified intervention in small groups
to students who are struggling in a particular academic skill area as determined by performance
on an assessment or other classroom data” (Martinez, Harris & McClain, 2014, p. 140). When
analyzing the proficiency level of these students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, the
following groups could be established:
Group 1: Aryanna, Gabriel, Michael, Petie, and Suzanne
Group 2: Jakob, Jerry, and Noah
Group 3: Carlos, Desiree, and Jade
Group 4: Corynn, Hailey, Rebecca, and Ramon
With these small groups created, the instruction, practice, and assessment could transpire in
multiple formats. “By moving from whole class to small group, whole class to partners, and
small group to individual assignments—provides students with opportunities to learn new
information, discuss it, and process it. Organizing students into smaller groups for instructional
purposes provides a context that whole-class, teacher-dominated instruction doesn’t offer”
(Echevarría, Vogt & Short, 2017, p. 163). By establishing the listed groups, students could work
on specific skills based upon their individual needs.
Grouping Strategy
The groups created for Ms. Jensen’s 7th grade class are based primarily on their
proficiency levels, combined with areas that each student would benefit from more targeted,
intensive instruction. “In small, guided instruction groups, the teacher naturally differentiates
instruction as she works on focused skill instruction, language development, and/or assessment
of student progress” (Echevarría, Vogt & Short, 2017, p. 164). Students in Group 1 are all
proficient in at least one category and intermediate in at least two categories. All of these
students also revealed listening as an area of weakness, which could be targeted during the other
small group learning activities. Students in Group 2 are all intermediate in at least three
categories, revealing a fairly balanced proficiency level across all categories. Students in Group
3 are all intermediate in two of the categories. These students also revealed writing to be an area
of relative weakness, which could be an area of focus during small group work time. Students in
Group 4 are all emergent in at least one category, thereby establishing the need for instruction
and practice in many of the more foundational components. Although these small group
activities provide the opportunity for students to get intensive, direct support in specific areas of
need, it will also be important that “tasks should be assigned a specific amount of time so that
students stay engaged and the pace of the class moves along” (Echevarría, Vogt & Short, 2017,
p. 166). Likewise, when students are working in these small group settings, it will be important
to establish “a positive and cooperative learning environment in which teachers grouped students
together to complete assignments and incorporated students’ culture and language into the
curriculum” (LeClair, Doll, Osborn & Jones, 2009, p. 570). In this manner, students will receive
the support they need, with multiple learning strategies being utilized in an engaging manner.
Flexible Grouping
Although there are numerous benefits to small group instruction, these groups should not
be stationary. “Assigning all English learners to the same group regularly is not good practice,
especially when total responsibility for teaching is turned over to a paraprofessional”
(Echevarría, Vogt & Short, 2017, p. 165). There are times when groups do need to be created
based upon level of proficiency in a particular content area. During these times, specific skills
can be targeted. However, there are also benefits from having groups formed from students of
various skill levels. “It is important during explorations that English language learners work
alongside their English-only peers. Having children grouped heterogeneously during inquirybased activities helps tap into children’s strengths” (Hansen, 2006, p. 23). Likewise, students can
benefit greatly from working alongside a peer from differing levels of proficiency. “In addition
to small-group interventions, peer-assisted strategies can also be used with EL students as a way
to intensify reading instruction” (Martinez, Harris & McClain, 2014, p. 140). Students can
benefit greatly when teachers provide students with the opportunity of learning from each other.
Likewise, this type of learning environment also provides students with the opportunity to
increase in their speaking and listening utilizing both social and academic vocabulary.
When a teacher creates a classroom learning environment that utilizes multiple types of
learning formats, including small group learning, it meets students’ needs from numerous
perspectives. “Allowing students to work together to critique or analyze material, create graphic
representations of vocabulary terms or concepts, or summarize material makes information more
meaningful and increases learning” (Echevarría, Vogt & Short, 2017, p. 163). Students need the
opportunity to receive targeted individual instruction in a small group setting, but they also need
the opportunity to practice these skills with peers who possess strengths in areas different from
their own. When all of these types of learning settings are implemented into a classroom,
everyone wins.
Echevarria, J., Vogt, M., & Short, D. (2017). Making Content Comprehensible for English
Learners. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Hansen, L. (2006). Strategies for ELL success. Science & Children, 43(4), 22-25.
LeClair, C., Doll, B., Osborn, A., & Jones, K. (2009). English language learners’ and nonEnglish language learners’ perceptions of the classroom environment. Psychology in the
Schools, 46(6), 568-577.
Martínez, R. S., Harris, B., & McClain, M. B. (2014). Practices that promote English reading for
English learners (ELs). Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation, 24(2),
128-148. doi:10.1080/10474412.2014.903192.
Running head: TITLE IN ALL CAPS
Grand Canyon University: ESL 433
Learning Groups
Assigning collaborative or paired learning groups is a vital component needed to aid in
the instruction and success of all students. Teachers must identify which model of grouping best
suits their needs. Homogeneous grouping refers to the grouping of students of the same ability
level and heterogeneous grouping is the concept of mixing the abilities of students (Johnson,
2011). This paper will discuss the benefits of heterogeneous grouping.
Grouping Rationale Chart
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E
Heterogeneous Grouping
Write this paragraph here. I used the tab key to indent paragraphs. Write at least 3
Equality of Groups
Write another paragraph here. Write at least 3 sentences.
Write a cogent conclusion here. All paragraphs should be at least 3 paragraphs.
Smith, M. E., Teemant, A., & Pinnegar, S. (2004). Principles and practices of sociocultural
assessment: Foundations for effective strategies for linguistically diverse classrooms.
Multicultural Perspectives, 6(2), 38-46.
Three references here.
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