Examining Set of Poorly Instructions Please peruse the following web pages. Strategies in Developing Instructions David McMurrey — Instructions: Tell The

Examining Set of Poorly Instructions Please peruse the following web pages.

Strategies in Developing Instructions
David McMurrey — Instructions: Tell Them How to Do It!

Then download the document titled Poorly_written_instructions_How_to_use_Your_Sony_Digital_Voice_Recorder.

Identify at least three problems with this set of instructions. Use the advice from McMurrey, Writing Commons, Wikibooks, and Jerz’s Weblog to inform the problems you identify.

In your response to this discussion topic, please list the three problems you found.

McMurrey’s Advice Link:https://www.prismnet.com/~hcexres/textbook/instrux… How to Use Your Sony Digital Voice Recorder
1. Get your Sony digital recorder into your hand
2. Press the record button
3. You need to speak at this point
4. Sometimes you need to cough or pause to think about what you are saying
5. If you need to do this, press the pause button
6. Then press record again and continue speaking
7. When your finished, hit the stop button
8. You will have to upload the file to your computer. To do this, follow the steps here:
9. Connect the digital recorder to your computer.
10. Do the following:

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