FIN575 University of Phoenix Different Stages of Financing Paper The purpose of this assignment is for students to access the U.S. Small Business Administr

FIN575 University of Phoenix Different Stages of Financing Paper The purpose of this assignment is for students to access the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) website for the purpose of discovering various sources of financing for their proposed business. Also, the mix of equity and debt financing should be considered. Students will also grasp the single most important thing about managing to maximize firm value which is to pursue excellence in the creation, production, and delivery of the firm’s products and/or services. Assignment Steps Resource: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) website is perhaps the most valuable resource for any new entrepreneur in America for all aspects of starting, operating, and growing a business, and it would help the students in this class to use like a handbook. It is especially useful in learning more about financing a business and obtaining a loan. Assess stages of financing in a minimum 1,400 words which includes the following: Explain the different stages of financing.Analyze sources of financing through the lifecycle of a firm.Assess the trade-offs between debt and equity financing for an entrepreneur. Cite a minimum of one peer reviewed reference from the University Library. Sources and Uses of Business Financing
Grading Guide
FIN/575 Version 3
Project Budget and Finance
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Sources and Uses of Business
Financing Grading Guide
FIN/575 Version 3
Individual Assignment: Sources and Uses of Business Financing
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is for students to access the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) website
for the purpose of discovering various sources of financing for their proposed business. Also, the mix of equity
and debt financing should be considered. Students will also grasp the single most important thing about
managing to maximize firm value which is to pursue excellence in the creation, production, and delivery of the
firm’s products and/or services.
Grading Guide
Not Met
The student accessed the U.S. Small
Business Administration (SBA) website for the
purpose of discovering various sources of
financing for their proposed business.
The student understood the following
resource: The U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA) website is perhaps the
most valuable resource for any new
entrepreneur in America for all aspects of
starting, operating, and growing a business,
and it would help the students in this class to
use like a handbook. It is especially useful in
learning more about financing a business and
obtaining a loan.
The student assessed the stages of finance
• Explain the different stages of financing.
• Analyze sources of financing through
the lifecycle of a firm.
• Assess the trade-offs between debt and
equity financing for an entrepreneur.
The student cited a minimum of one peer
reviewed reference from the University of
Phoenix Library.
The student assessment is 1,400 words in
Sources and Uses of Business
Financing Grading Guide
FIN/575 Version 3
Writing Guidelines
Not Met
The paper—including tables and graphs,
headings, title page, and reference page—is
consistent with APA formatting guidelines and
meets course-level requirements.
Intellectual property is recognized with in-text
citations and a reference page.
Paragraph and sentence transitions are
present, logical, and maintain the flow
throughout the paper.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Rules of grammar and usage are followed
including spelling and punctuation.
Assignment Total
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