GEOL140 ?CSU Fullerton Sea Level Rise In California Video Case Study Watch each of the videos in the uploaded file. And write a 3-4 sentence paragraph.Desc

GEOL140 ?CSU Fullerton Sea Level Rise In California Video Case Study Watch each of the videos in the uploaded file. And write a 3-4 sentence paragraph.Describe three (3) new concepts you learned from these videos that you did not know before. Separate each idea from another.
Sea Level Rise Videos
Sea Level Rise

Sea Level Rise is Accelerating According to NASA and European Satellite Data

Rising Sea Waters Sweep Away Homes in Senegal’s St. Louis

Tuvalu: Sea Level in the Pacific, Loss of Land and Culture

Future Sea Level Rise: 10 Top Countries in Danger

Living Shorelines and Sea Level Rise on New Jersey’s Delaware Bayshore

Sea-Level Rise for the Coasts of OR, CA, and WA

California Supreme Court Tackles Seawalls, Sea Level Rise

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