Grantham Bobs Burger Buns Inc: Defining Benefit Pension Plan Assignment Bob’s Burger Buns, Inc. is installing a brand new defined benefit pension plan. Bob

Grantham Bobs Burger Buns Inc: Defining Benefit Pension Plan Assignment Bob’s Burger Buns, Inc. is installing a brand new defined benefit pension plan. Bob is age 55 and will retire at age 65. The next oldest employee is age 35 and will retire in 30 years. Bob has a low risk tolerance. The average tenure of the rank-and-file employees is three years.

Examine each of the following portfolios and decide which of the three would be the best choice to fund the plan.

Justify your response in terms of the owner’s risk tolerance level, inflation protection level, UBTI concerns, and compliance with ERISA diversification requirements:

Portfolio 1: 70% invested in U.S. government Treasury securities with various maturities; 20% invested in a municipal bond fund; and 10% invested in a money market fund invested un U.S> Treasury bills.

Portfolio 2: 40% invested in an aggressive growth mutual fund; 20% invested in certificates of deposit; 20% invested in financial futures; and 20% invested in a gold and other precious metals mutual fund.

Portfolio 3: 40% invested in a balanced stock mutual fund; 30% invested in a guaranteed income contract with a two-year guarantee; 20% invested in an income stock fund; and 10% invested in a money market fund.

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