Guatemalan Mayas & Latino Identity Discussions Need to do both question 1 and question 2, total word count: 400. Question 1: After reading LeBaron’s art

Guatemalan Mayas & Latino Identity Discussions Need to do both question 1 and question 2, total word count: 400.

Question 1:

After reading LeBaron’s article on Guatemalan Mayas in the United States, what is your position about whether or not it is important for indigenous Latinos to reassert their cultural identity as they interact with other non-indigenous Latinos?

If you think it is important that they do so, explain why and give at least one example of how they should do so.
Likewise, if you think it is not important for them to reassert their cultural identity, explain why.


Question 2:

After watching the video “Dear Latinx, Let’s Check Our Privilege,” present your point of view about the notion of privilege related to color of the skin and other phenotypical characteristics of individuals. If you have examples to give from your own life experience, please do so.


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