Habits that help and/or hinder individuals’ Critical Thinking Activity 5: Critical thinking Instructions: Refer to class notes and readings from Unit 4: C

Habits that help and/or hinder individuals’ Critical Thinking Activity 5: Critical thinking

Instructions: Refer to class notes and readings from Unit 4: Critical Thinking to help you complete this activity. This activity has two parts and two different sets of instructions. First of all, in class we discussed different habits that help and/or hinder individuals’ critical thinking. This first part requires some personal reflection on your part.

(1) Of the seven habits of a STRONGcritical thinker, please identify AT LEAST two habits you believe you possess. For this part please define the habit in your own words, then justify your reasoning as to why you believe you possess that habit. Using examples for your justification may be very helpful.

Now, of the six habits that HINDERcritical thinkers, please identify AT LEAST two habits you suffer from. For this part please define the habitin your own words, then justify your reasoning as to why you believe you possess that habit. Using examples for your justification may be very helpful. Also,please provide a possible remedy (solution) to overcome both bad habits.
Given these cognitive skills related to critical thinking, you will need to defend both sides of a controversial topic. Each of your defenses should be about a paragraph, which includes arguments that reinforces the controversial claim along with examples. These paragraphs can be fictitious, but they should be well-reasoned.

Instructions: In class, we discussed six cognitive skills of a critical thinker. You will need to define each step and use these steps when assessing and defending a controversial topic.

(3) Identify and define each of the six cognitive skills of a critical thinker in your own words.

a.Every individual shouldbe forced to receive a university education.

b.Individuals should notbe forced to receive a university education.

This activity must be submitted to eCampus as either a text submission or an attached file no later than 11:59pm.

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