How has television affected our society – Research Topic Please see detailed instructions in the attachment. Thank you. Research Topic: How has Television

How has television affected our society – Research Topic Please see detailed instructions in the attachment. Thank you. Research Topic:
How has Television affected our society?
General information to cover:
▪ 4-6 pages, double spaced

MUST have ALL four to six sources from the Shake LRC databases such as
Academic Search Premier, Opposing ViewPoints, SIRS, etc.

Each body paragraph will contain a clear topic sentence, at least three
sentences of development, and a clear concluding sentence to also, include at
least two different citations in each body paragraph.

The conclusion shall be a comprehensive summary of the material presented.

On a separate page, include an ANNOTATED Works Cited list of three
sentences each of the 4-6 source requirement, prepared using MLA format,
hanging indentation, and alphabetical order.
**Please cover the above based on information from current sources from the last
5 years**

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