HR Management Why Employees Join Unions? The main one is to have you understand the role of unions and assess whether they are relevant today. By looking a

HR Management Why Employees Join Unions? The main one is to have you understand the role of unions and assess whether they are relevant today. By looking at each of the prescribed websites, you should become more familiar with what unions do and how they are structured. Go to the AFL-CIO federation website ( Look at the programs and services it offers. (Use the “About Us” button at the top or in the site map at the bottom of the page.) The AFL-CIO is not a union itself, but many national unions do participate in the federation. Note the list of affiliated unions. Find the Communications Workers of America national union. Go to its website ( ). Review what it offers and how it operates. Note, in particular, the section “Democracy in Our Ranks.” (Click the “About” button and find it on the left menu or go to the site map.) See the sample authorization card: Next, go to the website of a local office to see what it emphasizes. Local 1014 has a link, but you can use any other one that does. Then, at least one of the assigned readings (cited), state why you think employees do or do not join unions.

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