HR353 Park Americans with Disability Act leave Research Proposal: You will conduct a research proposal for the topic on a topic relevant to Human Resource
HR353 Park Americans with Disability Act leave Research Proposal: You will conduct a research proposal for the topic on a topic relevant to Human Resource Management that you plan to research on write your research paper about. You will provide at least 7 academic or relevant business sources that you plan to use for your final project. This proposal describes the proposed topic, why it is significant, highlights useful sources, and contains a working thesis. The final product will have a title page, 1-2 page narrative (body of the work), and a Reference page. The assignment must be formatted in accordance with APA format. This is due Saturday by 11:59p.m., CT in Unit 3.
Research Proposal Rubric
Proposal Proposal covers a coherent topic appropriate to course. Proposal is not clear in the topic or is not appropriate to course. Proposal does not cover a coherent topic appropriate to course. 10
Proposal provides a working title and theme. Proposal provides a working title and theme. Proposal does not provide a working title and theme.
Proposal provides a working hypothesis or preliminary thesis. Proposal provides a vague/unclear hypothesis or preliminary thesis. Proposal does not provide a working hypothesis or preliminary thesis.
8 – 10 pts 6 – 7 pts 0 – 5 pts
Content Describes the topic’s relevance, highlights useful sources, acknowledges challenges. Frames the project from a HR perspective. Describes some fo the following: topic relevance, highlights useful sources, acknowledges challenges. Vaguely frames the project from a HR perspective. Fails to responds to most assignment requirements. 30
26 – 30 pts 21 – 256 pts 0 – 20 pts
Length and Format 2-3 pages, not including cover page and reference list. 12 pt font, double-spaced, 1′ margins on all sides. Uses APA. 1-2 pages, not including cover page and reference list. 12 pt font, double-spaced, 1′ margins on all sides. Uses APA. Less than 1 pages. Errors in formatting. Minimal use of APA. 10
8 – 10 pts 6 – 7 pts 0 – 5 pts
Reference Page Contains a reference page with at least 7 academic or relevant business sources. Contains a reference page with at least 5 academic or relevant business sources. Contains no reference page or lists 4 or less sources. More than a few sources are not relevant. 10
8 – 10 pts 6 – 7 pts 0 – 5 pts
Grammar and Spelling Exceptional use of proper English and free of all typographical errors and grammatical mistakes. Proper use of English and generally free of typographical errors and grammatical mistakes. Multiple English errors, typographical errors, and grammatical mistakes. 10
8 – 10 pts 6 – 7 pts 0 – 5 pts
Total Points 70