HS410 Unit 4 Healthcare Report Card Email Study Title and ref pages a must, 12′ time roman APA style, A email style assignment, and please focus on PA Loca

HS410 Unit 4 Healthcare Report Card Email Study Title and ref pages a must, 12′ time roman APA style, A email style assignment, and please focus on PA Location Pennyslvia near Waynesboro for links etc…- I will be attaching some links for references- Instructions:You are working for a community-based patient advocacy group. Your boss sends you an email asking for publicly available information that your organization can compile for consumers. Your boss wants to know about accrediting agencies and provider report cards that exist for various types of public and private healthcare institutions (hospitals, managed care plans, long term care facilities, etc.). Reply to your boss with a one page email that describes the types of accrediting agencies and provider report cards that currently exist. Be sure to include examples and hot links so that your boss can readily follow up on this information if she so chooses. https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB4544/index1.html

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