Influence and Motivation in Reddit essay #Essay on user influence and motivation Write a 1350~1500 words essay on a chosen topic related to influence and

Influence and Motivation in Reddit essay #Essay on user influence and motivation

Write a 1350~1500 words essay on a chosen topic related to influence and motivation; follow writing requirements below.

Exercise class concepts and use a design perspective: How is what we’ve learned about motivation and persuasion used (or not) to build online community?

Choose one topic from below:

1.“Influence and Motivation in Reddit”

2.“The Online Dating Game”

3.“Persuading Others to Persuade: How got so much attention”

4.“Instagram: Instant Motivation”

5.“Crowd-funding and Motivation”

6. “Getting Healthy with Hashtags”

(Really Important!!!!!!)

Use **below resources (use at least 2 of them)** (Which you think useful! )to as references & some other useful academic resources.

Robert B. Cialdini, 2001, The science of persuasion, Scientific American
Ian Leslie, 2016, “The scientists who make apps addictive”.
Chad Whitacre, 2013, Resentment
Felicity Duncan, 2016, So long social media: the kids are opting out of the online public square

Writing requirements

These assignments must be double-spaced, 12 point font, 1-inch margins.(One page contains approximately 250 words.) Pages must be numbered and stapled together. Citations must be in the APA style. No APA cover page is required.

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