Informative Presentation Outline Review i submitted my presentation outline but received bad reviews. can you please fix the mistakes according to the feed

Informative Presentation Outline Review i submitted my presentation outline but received bad reviews. can you please fix the mistakes according to the feedbacks i got from professor? Shehar Yar/Page 1 of 2
Informative Presentation Outline
General Purpose: To inform.
Specific Purpose: As a result of this presentation, my audience will understand Deloitte business
and its involvement in various accounting forms.
A. Deloitte is a UK-incorporated multinational professional services firm with operational
headquarters in New York City, United States.
B. Hello, my name is Shehar Yar and I am originally from Pakistan. I came here three
years ago to get my bachelor’s degree in accounting. Today, I will present this
company, which is related to my major, and many accountants around the world want
to work with it.
C. Deloitte is one of the “Big Four” accounting firms and the largest professional services
network in the world by revenue and number of professionals. Deloitte top services are
Tax, Audit, Consulting and financial advisory.
A. General Overview
(1) Background
a. William Welch Deloitte (Deloitte, n.d.)
b. Early History (Deloitte, n.d.)
c. Recent History (Deloitte, n.d.)
B. Deloitte a Leading Company
(1) Services
a. Auditing
b. Consulting
c. Financial Advisory
d. Risk Advisory
e. Tax and Legal
1. To conclude this presentation, I discussed about the founder of this company and
how he worked hard to make this company successful
2. Deloitte is the biggest professional network which makes it “Big Four”
3. I will be more than happy to answer any question
Shehar Yar/Page 2 of 2
Deloitte. (n.d.). Deloitte. [Website]. Retrieved from
Deloitte. (2019, January 23). Retrieved from
Islam, R. (2017, April 01). Deloitte presentation. Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from
Nicolas John/Page 1 of 2
Informative Presentation Outline
General Purpose: To inform.
Specific Purpose: As a result of this presentation, my audience will understand Deloitte business
and its involvement in various accounting forms.
A. Deloitte is a UK-incorporated multinational professional services firm with operational
headquarters in New York City, United States.
B. Hello, my name is Nicolas John and I am originally from Kenya. I came here three
years ago to get my bachelor’s degree in accounting. Today, I will present this
company, which is related to my major, and many accountants around the world want
to work with it.
C. Deloitte is one of the “Big Four” accounting firms and the largest professional services
network in the world by revenue and number of professionals. Deloitte top services are
Tax, Audit, Consulting and financial advisory.
A. General Overview
(1) Background
a. William Welch Deloitte (Deloitte, n.d.)
b. Early History (Deloitte, n.d.)
c. Recent History (Deloitte, n.d.)
B. Deloitte a Leading Company
(1) Services
a. Auditing
b. Consulting
c. Financial Advisory
d. Risk Advisory
e. Tax and Legal
1. To conclude this presentation, I discussed about the founder of this company and
how he worked hard to make this company successful
2. Deloitte is the biggest professional network which makes it “Big Four”
3. I will be more than happy to answer any question
Nicolas John/Page 2 of 2
Deloitte. (n.d.). Deloitte. [Website]. Retrieved from
Deloitte. (2019, January 23). Retrieved from
Islam, R. (2017, April 01). Deloitte presentation. Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from

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