IP 4 and IP 5 Software Architecture Please do the papers in APA, my Names are Roselyn Cathy, Tilbourg University, format it well and let it be plagiarism f
IP 4 and IP 5 Software Architecture Please do the papers in APA, my Names are Roselyn Cathy, Tilbourg University, format it well and let it be plagiarism free,Am assuming i havent paid, i will pay the amount after good work submitted, I will pay an extra 30$ in the end as usual, as a tip, please find me a good writer experienced in IT subjects. The instructions are attachedPlease submit IP4 within 6hrs if possible. I believe these peoples are not as difficult am just engaged in my day time work. Thank you Assignment Description
You are the lead trainer for the software development team at a large telecommunications
company. You have been tasked with preparing a training document that explains the principles
of polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. Research these principles and provide
examples for each principle, showing how they would be used in software development. Be sure
to answer the question of how each principle would be employed in the software development
Java programmers use class hierarchies for the purposes of inheritance. For example, given a
Tree class, you could define Conifer and Deciduous subclasses that inherit from the parent Tree
class, as follows:
In your training document explanations regarding inheritance, depict inheritance by using a
computer memory hierarchy in a class hierarchy diagram.
Prepare a 6-8-page document that provides detailed explanations for polymorphism, inheritance,
and encapsulation. Research computer memory hierarchy and the topic to use in your inheritance
explanations at this link, making sure to cite it in APA style if you use specific information from
the article. Develop a class hierarchy diagram for the memory hierarchy found at the URL.
Include in your class hierarchy diagram at least three subclass levels. Each class and subclass
must include at least one variable and one method.
Please submit your assignment.
During the past weeks, you have been introduced to software development planning techniques
and tools. You have actually gained some experience using a few design techniques and tools in
planning to create an application that meets business requirements. A design document was the
resultant outcome of your efforts. You have also coded a couple object-oriented programs that
meet these planned-for requirements. These tasks have given you a sense of what is required to
plan for and to develop applications.
In this assignment, you should consider all that you have learned thus far in planning activities,
and consider how architectures might aid in software development.
Prepare a 3-5 page Word document that answers the following questions:
What does software architecture provide?
What exactly is the role of the software architect and how does this individual work with
the development team?
Do you believe that architectural design is important? Support your statements.
Identify and describe architectural drivers.
Please submit your assignment.
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