ISOL533 3DES Cryptography Data Encryption Standards Research Paper Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) PPT atleast 7 pages This research paper should

ISOL533 3DES Cryptography Data Encryption Standards Research Paper Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES)

PPT atleast 7 pages

This research paper should include approximately 10 Cited Works but MUST have at least 10 Cited Works of which 4 must be

Peer Reviewed. Highlight in YELLOW the Peer-Reviewed works on the Reference page. Also, include all References as the last page of the Powerpoint Presentation (start by creating a heading called “Peer-Reviewed works”, followed by the Peer- Reviewed works. Then create a heading called “All Other works”, followed by the other works).

This research paper should be approximately 10 pages, double-spaced pages (but must be at least 7 pages), using 12-font Times-Roman or Calibri-Body. The Cover Page, Reference Page and any space needed for pictures/images are not included in the required pages.

Once the paper is completed, add an Overview/Executive Summary to the start of the paper. The Overview must contain at least one Hypothesis (see Rubric) and a Synopsis of what is contained in the paper. Include the Hypothesis, under the title, on the 1stpage of the Powerpoint presentation.

For this paper, a Hypothesis is a statement you believe to be true based on the research you conducted. As an example:

“Small businesses are less likely to provide adequate physical security”.

The quality and thoroughness of the paper, as defined in the rubric, will determine the grade assigned. Papers containing the minimum number of references and/or minimum number of pages will most likely not earn a high grade.

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