ITS4099 Annotated Bibliography Good tip IncludedYour annotated bibliography should include an evaluation of the author’s background, articulate the type of

ITS4099 Annotated Bibliography Good tip IncludedYour annotated bibliography should include an evaluation of the author’s background, articulate the type of readers that the article is targeting, how this article contributes to the field, and how it helps or supports your selected research topic.Work in progress on W3 A2, no need to read them all just research the authors bio and write their contribution to the field and the purpose of their work . the topic is Running Head: SCHOLARLY SOURCES
Information Assurance and Systems Security References
January 30th 2019
Blyth, A., & Kovacich, G. (2006). Information Assurance (Computer Communications and
Networks). London: Springer London.
Bowman, R. P., Visinescu, C., Tsang, M. C., Brown, D. R. L., Singh, R., & Stiemerling, T.
(2017). Providing security assurance information. U.S. Patent Application No.
Cherdantseva, Y., & Hilton, J. (2013, September). A reference model of information assurance &
security. In 2013 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (pp.
546-555). IEEE.
Cherdantseva, Y., & Hilton, J. (2015). Information security and information assurance:
discussion about the meaning, scope, and goals. In Standards and Standardization:
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1204-1235). IGI Global.
Edy, S., Gunawan, W., & Wijanarko, B. D. (2017, November). Analysing the trends of cyberattacks: Case study in Indonesia during period 2013-Early 2017. In Innovative and
Creative Information Technology (ICITech), 2017 International Conference on (pp. 1-6).
Jacobs, S. (2015). Engineering information security: the application of systems engineering
concepts to achieve information assurance. John Wiley & Sons.
Kim, D., & Solomon, M. G. (2016). Fundamentals of information systems security. Jones &
Bartlett Publishers.
Kumah, P., Yaokumah, W., & Buabeng-Andoh, C. (2018). Identifying HRM Practices for
Improving Information Security Performance: An Importance-Performance Map
Analysis. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology
Professionals (IJHCITP), 9(4), 23-43.
National Research Council. Committee on Information Assurance for Network-Centric Naval
Forces, & Ebrary, Inc. (2010). Information assurance for network-centric naval forces
[electronic resource]. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
Peltier, T. R. (2016). Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: guidelines for
effective information security management. Auerbach Publications.
Spears, Janine L., Barki, Henri, & Barton, Russell R. (2013). Theorizing the concept and role of
assurance in information systems security. Information & Management, 50(7), 598-605.
Yalman, Y., & Yesilyurt, M. (2013). Information Security Threats and Information
Assurance. TEM Journal, 2(3), 247.
Annotated Bibliography
South University
Blyth, A., & Kovacich, G. (2006). Information Assurance (Computer Communications and
Networks). London: Springer London.
Andrew Blyth is a member of the University of Wales as Head of Information Security Research Group
under the Computers Systems Engineering Division. Blyth has contributed to more than five publications
in relation to the field regarding Cyberwarfare and Cyber Risk Management. Gerald Kovacich is an
accomplished contributor Basic IA Concept, Models, the rapid change in Information Assurance, IA
Organizational and Security functions. He has produced over 17 publications all regarding Information
Assurance and Software. Byth and Kovaciah’s book provides knowledge for Information Technology
managers how to protect information and related systems assets in digital form
Cherdantseva, Y., & Hilton, J. (2013, September). A reference model of information assurance &
security. In 2013 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (pp. 546555). IEEE
Dr. Yulia Cherdantseva is a lecturer at Cardiff University. She has a PhD in Computer Science and
Informatics and a Masters in Business Information Systems Design from Russia.Since 2014 she has been
a research associate on a project known as Supervisory Control and Data Acquistion Systems Cyber
Security Life Cycle (SCADA CSL) which is funded by the Airbus Group Endeavor Wales and the Welsh
Assembly Government. Her latest accomplishment was the publication known as Towards Gender
Equality in Software Engineering: The NSA Approach. Jeremy Hilton is a member of the Department of
Informatics and Systems Engineering in Cranfield University. Hilton produced three articles in Journals,
ten conference papers and three books ranging information security, Problem Structuring methods, and
comptemporaru risk modeling and analysis methods for interconnected systems. The produced
conference paper gives an insight for society, business needs, and the overall field of technology. The
reference model proposes four dimensions: Information Systems Security Life Cycle, Information
Taxonomy , Security goals and Security Counter Measures.
Cherdantseva, Y., & Hilton, J. (2015). Information security and information assurance:
about the meaning, scope, and goals. In Standards and Standardization: Concepts, Methodologies,
Tools, and Applications (pp. 1204-1235). IGI Global.

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