ITSE1429 Python Project Reserved Seating Tickets Write a Python program that obtains the number of Reserved Seating tickets that have been sold for a recen

ITSE1429 Python Project Reserved Seating Tickets Write a Python program that obtains the number of Reserved Seating tickets that have been sold for a recent event and totals their revenue. There are three Reserved Seating sections: Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

Your program should ask the user how many tickets were sold for each of the three types of seating.

Use these three values to calculate the individual and total revenue from ticket sales.

Display the number of seats sold and the revenue collected for each of the three type of seating.

Display the total number of seats sold and the total revenue.

Use the following table of ticket prices:

Reserved Seating Type: Ticket Price:

Silver $35.00

Gold $55.00

Platinum $85.00

Name the text file you submit “”, where “X” and “Y” are your first and last initials.

Grading Guidelines:

To receive full credit, the program you submit must execute correctly.

⦁ Student’s Full Name included as a comment. (5 points)

⦁ Program contains additional, meaningful comments. (5 points)

⦁ User was prompted for each seating type. (15 points)

⦁ Revenue calculated correctly for each type of seating. (15 points)

⦁ Revenue calculated correctly for overall total. (5 points)

⦁ Revenue displayed clearly & correctly for each seating type (15 points)

⦁ Revenue displayed clearly & correctly for overall total. (5 points)

⦁ User Prompts and error messages were easy to understand. (5 points) ITSE-1429: Project Zero, Ticket Sales
Write a Python program that obtains the number of Reserved Seating tickets that
have been sold for a recent event and totals their revenue. There are three
Reserved Seating sections: Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
Your program should ask the user how many tickets were sold for each of the
three types of seating.
Use these three values to calculate the individual and total revenue from ticket
Display the number of seats sold and the revenue collected for each of the three
type of seating.
Display the total number of seats sold and the total revenue.
Use the following table of ticket prices:
Reserved Seating Type: Ticket Price:
Name the text file you submit “”, where “X” and “Y” are your
first and last initials.
Grading Guidelines:
To receive full credit, the program you submit must execute correctly.

Student’s Full Name included as a comment. (5 points)
Program contains additional, meaningful comments. (5 points)
User was prompted for each seating type. (15 points)
Revenue calculated correctly for each type of seating. (15 points)
Revenue calculated correctly for overall total. (5 points)
Revenue displayed clearly & correctly for each seating type (15 points)
Revenue displayed clearly & correctly for overall total. (5 points)
User Prompts and error messages were easy to understand. (5 points)

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