LITI 300 SNHU The Purloined Letter Journal Assignment Using a theory presented in this module, offer a cultural studies analysis of either Edgar Allan Poe’

LITI 300 SNHU The Purloined Letter Journal Assignment Using a theory presented in this module, offer a cultural studies analysis of either Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Purloined Letter” or Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” in a full paragraph or two.

You will want to choose one theory among the many discussed here and use it consistently and coherently.

For example, a New Historicist reading would put one of these texts in direct dialogue with a historical text and treat them both equally (unlike traditional literary criticism). A Marxist analysis, on the other hand, would center on how concepts such as commodification, exchange value, or interpellation play out in the text.

In your journal assignment, be sure to address the critical elements found in the Journal Guidelines and Rubric document by summarizing the main features of the literary theory, applying the theory to the literary text, and explaining how the story is shaped by the theoretical lens.

Reading LIT 300 Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Using your understanding of the specified theory, offer an analysis of either Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Purloined Letter” or Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow
Wallpaper” in a full paragraph or two. In your response, explain the significance of viewing the work through this lens.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit the assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your
journal assignment should be 1 to 2 paragraphs in length.
Critical Elements
Articulation of
Exemplary (100%)
Provides a detailed, concise,
and insightful overview of the
literary theory
Applies a theoretical analysis to
the literary text coherently and
consistently with extraordinary
depth and detail
Explains in great depth and
detail how the story is shaped
by the theoretical lens
Journal assignment is free of
errors in organization and
Proficient (85%)
Provides an accurate,
informative overview of the
literary theory
Applies a theoretical analysis to
the literary text coherently and
Needs Improvement (55%)
Provides a basic overview of the
literary theory
Not Evident (0%)
Does not provide an overview of
the literary theory
Applies a theoretical analysis to
the literary text incoherently
and/or inconsistently
Does not apply a theoretical
analysis to the literary text
Explains how the story is shaped
by the theoretical lens
Explains with minimal depth
and detail how the story is
shaped by the theoretical lens
Journal assignment contains
errors of organization and
grammar, but these are limited
enough so that assignment can
be understood
Does not explain how the story
is shaped by the theoretical lens
Journal assignment contains
errors of organization and
grammar making the
assignment difficult to
Journal assignment is mostly
free of errors of organization
and grammar; errors are
marginal and rarely interrupt
the flow

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