logistic week 2 response Hi, I have 2 of my classmates posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. also, one source at least for each one of them.

logistic week 2 response Hi, I have 2 of my classmates posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. also, one source at least for each one of them. don’t write about how good their posts or how bad. all you need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style

The question was to review the value of prepositioning disaster supplies ahead of a disaster. In each case presented, determine if the effort to move supplies made a significant impact on the success or failure of the event.

Select one event and provide an example of an action that would have provided a better outcome for the disaster. Briefly explain how you came to that conclusion.

and this is there posts

This is the first post from FUNAYYIS this is his post need to response:

In the case of the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, some regions lacked functioning transportation infrastructure. Consequently, the futile efforts to move supplies had an adverse impact on the success of the event since the situation posed severe constraints on the movement of inbound supplies. Similarly, the absence of physical infrastructure for moving supplies in the Haiti 2010 earthquake amplified the failure of the event. Concerning Hurricane Katrina, the unsuccessful efforts to move supplies contributed significantly to the defeat of the operation. Failed infrastructure and ineffective planning for required supplies resulted in the confinement of thousands of people in an open building (Apte & Yoho, 2011). Finally, the movement of supplies during the “swine flu” epidemic of 2009 hampered the success of the event. In this regard, futile attempts to move supplies to the affected regions contributed significantly to the failure of all four undertakings.

Strengthening the existing hurricane programs and response processes could have provided better outcomes for the 2005 Hurricane Katrina. A report by The Weather Channel Forum (2000) proposed the utilization of the U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP) by weather forecast services in accelerating research on hurricane prediction and converting the results into operational forecasting applications. This way, the policies would help local communities and individuals to prepare well and foster cooperative activities and programs for initiating hurricane response strategies and preparedness. Besides, adaptable and flexible plans are critical since disasters are often unpredictable and have no specific scenario (Goodwin & Donaho, 2010). Hence, the outcomes of Hurricane Katrina could have been better due to the implementation of hurricane forecasting applications, such as the improvement of existing infrastructure for the flawless movement of supplies during the disaster.


Apte, A., & Yoho, K. D. (2011). Strategies for logistics in case of a natural disaster. California: CA, Naval Postgraduate School.

Goodwin, B. S., & Donaho, J. C. (2010). Tropical storm and hurricane recovery and preparedness strategies. ILAR Journal, 51(2), 104–119. DOI: 10.1093/ilar.51.2.104

The Weather Channel Forum. (2000). Policy issues in hurricane preparedness and response. Washington, Atmospheric Policy Program of the American Meteorological Society. Retrieved from https://www.ametsoc.org/ams/assets/File/Hurricane_prep_resp_2000.pdf.

This is the second post from IBRAHEEM and this is his post, need to response:

The value of prepositioning disaster supplies ahead of a disaster

The main aim of all the agencies and organizations, which are involved in humanitarian services after a disaster, is to save as many lives as possible and reduce human suffering. Therefore, rescuers should reach the victims within the shortest time possible. To respond to a disaster faster; a preestablishment of enough resources is needed to enable efficient humanitarian assistance (Apte & Yoho, 2011). Prepositioning disaster supplies before a disaster has a lot of value because it reduces the response time besides make available all the necessary equipment to save lives. Prepositioned stocks have proven to be successful, and a benchmark from the military proves so. Therefore it used as a strategy to support disaster response operations. Government and non-governmental organization uses the prepositioning of disaster response supplies and strategically place items advance of any disaster to enhance quick response. This strategy reduces distribution time during a disaster (Apte & Yoho, 2011). Prepositioning also helps to reduce the chances of the stocks being damaged by the disaster since they are placed near the place which is likely to be affected but not within.

In the case of India ocean Tsunami of 2004, the government was not prepared for the disaster and resources were not immediately available to respond to the humanitarian needs. The efforts to move supplies were frustrated by poor transport system leading to the failure of the rescue operations. The slow supply of resources by the Haiti government led to the failure of the rescue operations and many lives, which could have been saved, were lost (Apte & Yoho, 2011). The government had could not mobilize and manage the few resources that were left; therefore the citizens relied on other nations for help which took time to reach them. The response to the Hurricane Katrina was also crippled by the lack of supplies that ought to have been delivered to the areas which were affected. The resources were not prepositioned to respond to the humanitarian needs hence the response was slow and ineffective. The response to the 2009 Influenza Swine Flu Epidemic was also faced with an initial shortage of vaccines and distribution logistics such as the vaccine distribution point (Apte & Yoho, 2011). All the above-discussed disasters faced challenges due to inadequate supplies of resources; therefore, the response time was long, and many lives were lost.

Select one event and provide an example of an action that would have provided a better outcome for the disaster.

The disaster was predicated, and despite warnings, there was inadequate preparation regarding resource prepositioning. One event that did not go well during the response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster was the evacuation and the accommodation of the displaced people. The disaster was a slow onset therefore many people could have been evacuated and taken to rescue centers. I would have also made available standby busses to ferry people out of the city during the onset of the Hurricane. This could have provided a better outcome for the disaster since many lives could have been evacuated. The Hurricane did not start vigorously at once. Instead, it was progressive therefore evacuating people jut during the onset could have saved many lives.


Apte, A., & Yoho, K. D. (2011). Strategies for logistics in case of a natural disaster (No. NPS-LM-11-188). NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC POLICY.

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