M131/HIM1125 Rasmussen College SEC4 Encoder Simulation Coding Worksheet To complete the Encoder Simulation Coding Assessment, complete the following steps.
M131/HIM1125 Rasmussen College SEC4 Encoder Simulation Coding Worksheet To complete the Encoder Simulation Coding Assessment, complete the following steps.
Click here to download the Encoder Simulation Worksheet.
Use the Clintegrity Encoder to provide the answers to the coding scenarios presented on the worksheet.
Take a screen shot of the encoder and paste it directly into the homework. To do this, first type in your code, enter one or two spaces then paste the screenshot.
NOTE: screenshots are required for the first three questions only. Code the remaining questions as usual but report the code(s) only without a screenshot.
Please review the Clintegrity Instructions for more detailed instructions. Diagnosis Coding Skills Assessment
Module 05
Assign ICD-10-CM codes to the following scenarios:
Encoder Simulation Coding Assessment
Use Clintegrity to assign codes to each of the coding scenarios below. Include a screen shot of the
encoder and paste it directly into the homework for the first three questions ONLY. First type in your
code, enter one or two spaces then paste the screenshot. Code the remaining questions as usual
reporting the code(s) only without a screenshot.
For Example: Acute gastritis with bleeding.
Code: K29.01
Acute pyelonephritis due to E. coli
Click here to enter text.
2. Benign prostatic hypertrophy with urinary retention
Click here to enter text.
3. Chronic kidney disease, stage III
Click here to enter text.
4. Orchitis due to streptococcus
Click here to enter text.
5. Analgesic nephropathy?
Click here to enter text.
6. What code should be assigned for urethral diverticulum?
Click here to enter text.
Diagnosis Coding Skills Assessment
Module 05
Assign ICD-10-CM codes to the following scenarios:
7. What code should be assigned for vesicoureteral reflux?
Click here to enter text.
8. Pregnancy, delivered with premature labor, third trimester; single liveborn infant normal
vaginal delivery.
Click here to enter text.
9. Pregnancy, delivered at 40 1/7 weeks, liveborn infant, normal vaginal delivery.
Click here to enter text.
10. Normal first pregnancy OB visit; prenatal supervision, 30 weeks gestation.
Click here to enter text.
11. Spontaneous abortion, 12 weeks incomplete, complicated by sepsis.
Click here to enter text.
12. Twin pregnancy, undelivered at 32 weeks.
Click here to enter text.
13. Pregnancy, vaginal delivery, single liveborn, 35 weeks. Pregnancy complicated by marijuand
drug dependence, continuous. Postpartum complicated by fever of unknown origin.
Click here to enter text.
14. Elective abortion at 12 weeks due to fetus anencephaly.
Click here to enter text.
15. Ruptured ectopic tubal pregnancy
Click here to enter text.
Diagnosis Coding Skills Assessment
Module 05
Assign ICD-10-CM codes to the following scenarios:
16. Pelvic peritonitis following elective abortion done 5 days ago at a previous visit.
Click here to enter text.
17. Gestational diabetes; undelivered, 30 weeks.
Click here to enter text.
18. Primary atelectasis of newborn.
Click here to enter text.
19. Neonatal tachycardia
Click here to enter text.
20. Anemia of prematurity.
Click here to enter text.
21. Premature infant 2000g birth weight at 35 4/7 weeks gestation.
Click here to enter text.
22. Prematurity; 990g birth weight at 29 5/7 wekes gestation.
Click here to enter text.
23. Newborn, small for gestational age; 1600 grams
Click here to enter text.
24. Erb’s palsy due to birth injury.
Click here to enter text.
25. Failure to thrive in newborn
Click here to enter text.
Diagnosis Coding Skills Assessment
Module 05
Assign ICD-10-CM codes to the following scenarios:
26. Drug withdrawal in an infant born to a mother dependent on drugs.
Click here to enter text.
27. Normal newborn, vaginal delivery in hospital, birth admission.
Click here to enter text.
28. Newborn, observation for suspected sepsis, ruled out.
Click here to enter text.
29. Encounter for circumcision.
Click here to enter text.
30. Newborn jaundice.
Click here to enter text.
31. Newborn hyponatremia
Click here to enter text.
32. Routine exam of newborn 21 days old
Click here to enter text.
33. Newborn fetal growth retardation
Click here to enter text.
34. Newborn, triplet born in a hospital.
Click here to enter text.
35. Newborn respiratory distress.
Click here to enter text.
Encoder Simulation Intro
For the remainder of the course, an encoder will be used for code assignment in conjunction
with physical codebooks.
REVIEW: What’s an Encoder?
An encoder is a software version of your codebook. Coding professionals are more
productive using an encoder because software “turns the pages” for them. There are two
types of encoders: a “book-based” encoder and a “logic-based” encoder.
Clintegrity is a “book-based” encoder because it imitates the way you would use your ICD10 book. As you use Clintergrity, note that when you type in a diagnosis in a search screen,
it takes you to the Alphabetic Index (compare finding a code with your encoder and your
book in front of you).
Once you click on the code you want it immediately takes you to the Tabular List. A plus
sign by the code reminds you that an additional character is needed. In fact, if you wanted
to move the code into the Quick List without completing the code, Clintegrity will not let
you. The software is designed to “remind” you to look assign additional characters, when
necessary. Software like this helps to prevent coding errors.
There is a second type of encoder called a “logic-based” encoder. A logic-based encoder
asks you questions/gives you options that narrow down as you drill down to the complete
code. This is even faster to use than the book-based encoder. The 3M encoder, used in the
foundations course, is an example of this type of encoder.
Before getting started with Clintegrity make sure to use Internet Explorer to access
Clintegrity. If you use another browser as default, Clintegrity screens may not load/display
Clintegrity Website:
Right click and open in a new window: http://quantim.ahima.org:8080/topaz/main.do
Login Information:
Username: RAS001
Password: AHIMA#4U
DO NOT change the password. All students access the encoder using the same
login information. Changing it will lock out the entire college.
Using Clintegrity:
After logging in to Clintegrity, click on the Coding/Abstracting tab
Click on Add New Facility Encounter
Click on the down arrow in ‘Stand Alone’ resources icon
Select Code Books
Open the down arrow under the search option
Select CM for ICD-10 Diagnosis codes
Type in the main term in the search box and click on the search spyglass icon
Coding Example: Pain, abdominal, left lower quadrant
Click on pain: abdominal, lower left quadrant to be taken to the Alphabetic
Click once on the blue highlighted code to be taken to the tabular to verify
code description and assignment
Verify this is the correct code and take a screen shot. Type your code into to
the homework then space and paste the screenshot.
Practice Searching for Diagnoses and Procedures in Clintegrity
When you are looking for a diagnosis, enter its name in the search box like you would look
for in your ICD-10 book’s Alphabetic Index. Use the practice exercise in the textbook and
workbook to practice using the encoder.
If the scenario was chest pain, type in “pain chest”. If the condition you were
looking for is acute cholecystitis you would type in “cholecystitis acute”.
Remember, the MAIN TERM (disease, problem or what’s wrong with the patient)
comes first!
Once you get to a code, keep clicking the ICD-10 code number until it’s NOT
If a plus sign appears to the left of your code, it means you must click on it to
open the subclassifications for this category.
For the homework: once you are sure you have the right code, type it into the
space provided, take a screen shot of the encoder and paste it into the
homework. Repeat these steps for the rest of the assignment. NOTE: screenshots
are required for the first three questions only. Code the remaining questions as
usual but only report the code(s) without a screenshot.
Can’t log in? If this is the problem, make sure that you are entering the correct
user ID and password.
If a lot of students are online Clintegrity may be slow or locked up. Don’t panic.
Wait 2 hours. Clintegrity is refreshed every 2 hours.
Contact your instructor for all other issues
Hi Class! Here is the information to the encoder.
Username: RAS001(zeroes) (Does not change)
Password: AHIMA#18 as of July 5th through January 1, 2019. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE THE
PASSWORD. If you do, you will lock out the whole college and it takes 24-48 hours to unlock it
through AHIMA.
Clintegrity Encoder
USE Internet Explorer rather than Firefox for Clintegrity.
If you have trouble getting in: try and different browser, remove pop up blockers, manually enter the
website, and wait and try 15 minutes later. Sometimes there is overload of usage on the system. If all
of these do not work, notify me of your issue and I will check it out.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Professor Marshall
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