Maasic and Solomon Signs of Life in the USA for each one, just need to write a short paragraph, so total is three short paragraph this is the text may need
Maasic and Solomon Signs of Life in the USA for each one, just need to write a short paragraph, so total is three short paragraph this is the text may needed
Hacker, Diana and Nancy Sommers. Rules for
Writers. 7th Edition. Bedford/St. Martin’s: New York. 2012
Maasic and Solomon. Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular
Culture for Writers. 8thEdition. Bedford/St. Martin’s: New York. 2015
Packer, Sharon. Superheroes and Superegos: Analyzing the Minds
Behind the Masks. Praeger. 2009
These are questions
Your initial post needs to include your ideas about 2 of the questions below
and an original question of your own about the readings.
Discussions week 2
1. Maasic and Solomon discuss the “Commodification of Desire on page
161. What do they mean by this? Define it, and discuss how you see it in
images/ads around you.
2. They also discuss populism and elitism. Define each and explain why they
are important. Do you see these in the ads in our book? Which one(s)?
3. Take a look at the ad on page 165 and discuss questions 2 and 3 on page
4. Describe in your own words the paradox of the American dream, as
Solomon sees it.
5. In Solomon’s view, why do status symbols work particularly well in
manipulating American consumers? What do YOU think about his ideas?
Provide evidence and examples of your own in your answer.
6. Why, in Solomon’s view has McDonald’s been so successful in its ad
campaigns? Do you see the same strategies employed by other brands?
Which ones?
7. What is a “guilt” ad?, according to Solomon? How does it affect
consumers and help sell the product?
8. What relationship does Solomon find between the “new realism” and the
paradoxes of the American dream?
9. Briefly describe Hacker’s ideas about the writing process? Which step do
you think is easiest? Which is the most difficult? Why?
10. How does she define thesis statements? What are the key things in a
successful Thesis statement, according to Rules for Writers?
For “Selling to Children…”:
1. What, according to Schor, constitutes “cool” in children’s advertising?
2. How do you see this idea of “cool” in the ads in the Portfolio of
Advertisements in our textbook?
3. How has “street” culture influenced consumer marketing, according to
Shor? What do you think of his ideas here (provide specific
examples/experiences in your answer here).
4. What doe Douglas Holt mean when he says that “the neighborhood, the
pain of being poor, the alienation experienced by black kids…are
commodifiable assets”? What do you think of this idea?
5. What does the term “age compression” mean? How does it affect
advertisements’ effectiveness?
6. Look at the ads in our Portfolio of Advertisements; how do Schor’s ideas
appear in them, specifically the one you’ll be analyzing in your essay 1
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