MAR 4354 Raw Materials Assessment This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Content: • Includes sections outlined in the instructions (cover pa

MAR 4354 Raw Materials Assessment This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Content: • Includes sections outlined in the instructions (cover page, introduction, raw materials, synthesis & summary); Raw materials section addresses the three “parts” outlined in the instructions for each of the six categories. • Use of online assessments were utilized and referenced; use of other people’s feedback is utilized and referenced; self-evaluation for each category is thorough.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary & Synthesis: • Summarize the results for all categories, focusing on the main ideas that are most pertinent to the overall purpose of the assignment. • Synthesize the results by comparing and contrasting across all of the raw materials categories to point out conflicts and synergies. • Highlight important points, discuss their relevance, and draw your own conclusions regarding your collective findings. Positive and negative balance is addressed; address relation of various traits and sets of traits to core values.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Formatting: • Document is free of spelling errors, typos, grammatical errors. Document uses appropriate (and consistent) punctuation, capitalization, font family, font size, and margins. Formatting is consistent. Document is easy to read/scan quickly. • Tone is professional. • Charts, graphs, figures and/or bullet points are used appropriately. Also, appropriate headings and subheadings have been used. • Any relevant URL links are active (i.e., clickable).

NOTE: Assignment should be completed and submitted before deadline. Late penalty is 10% deduction per day (or partial day) late. No plagiarism, copying or cheating. “A” grades are for outstanding work, not for work that only meets or exceeds the minimum requirements. Rubrics in this course are provided as a general guideline for assignment expectations and for scoring purposes. Students are responsible for carefully reading the assignment instructions and course materials to ensure they are able to receive the best possible grade by following directions. Each instructor reserves the right to amend the assignment grade (outside of the rubric constraints) based on the overall achievement and/or tardiness of the assignment.

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