Memo To Employees Private Calls And Texting In ONE stand-alone paragraph,write about ONE visible or hidden aspect of either your own culture or a culture y

Memo To Employees Private Calls And Texting In ONE stand-alone paragraph,write about ONE visible or hidden aspect of either your own culture or a culture you know well that you appreciate. You should BOTH describe the value AND explain why you appreciate this value. Use the “Iceberg Concept of Culture” handout in your course pack to give you ideas about the kinds of things you could write about.Just be sure to choose something specific and interesting for your reader(s) to write about. I need just one paragraph which is no longer than 2/3 of page, and I want to write one specific culture in US, I will upload two picture one is the range you can choose the culture you want to write other one is the example paragraph, you can read this one paragraph first then write Stand-Alone Paragraph #1: What is ONE of your favorite aspects of either your own culture/ethnicity or
a culture/ethnicity that you have experienced. Focus on either ONE very visible aspect of the culture or
one aspect that is more hidden.
Sample 1
One of my favorite aspects of American culture is the value placed on self-reliance in children. It is a
value that seems to be instilled in children even from the youngest ages, and is visible through the different
demands of parents. For example, a parent may say that a child can only get up in a tree, if they can climb up
the tree on their own, and not just have the parent lift them up into the tree. A parent may only buy their child a
pair of lace-up sneakers, if the child knows how to tie their own laces, and will not rely on their parents to tie
their laces. When the child has a disagreement with a friend, the parent may coach the child on what to say to
their friend to express their displeasure or hurt, but the parent will often encourage the child to speak to their
friend themselves and not intervene on their behalf. These behaviors may just seem like things that parents
teach their kids, but, in fact, these behaviors are all instilling in American children the value of self-reliance.
The Iceberg Concept of Culture
Like an iceberg, the majority of culture is below the surface.
food – dress • music –
Surface Culture
Above sea level
visual arts – drama . crafts
Emotional load: relatively low
dance literature . language
celebrations games
Deep Culture
courtesy .contextual conversational patterns concept of time
Unspoken Rules
Partially below sea level
personal space rules of conduct – facial expressions
Emotional load: very high nonverbal communication • body language – touching – eye contact
patterns of handling emotions notions of modesty .concept of beauty
courtship practices relationships to animals – notions of leadership
Unconscious Rules
tempo of work.concepts of food ideals of childrearing
Completely below sea level
theory of disease – social interaction rate nature of friendships
Emotional load: intense
tone of voice attitudes toward elders concept of cleanliness
notions of adolescence patterns of group decision-making
definition of insanity preference for competition or cooperation
tolerance of physical pain concept of “self’ concept of past and future
definition of obscenity – attitudes toward dependents problem-solving
roles in relation to age, sex, class, occupation, kinship, and so forth
Indiana Department of Education Office of English Language Learning & Migrant Education –

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