Methods and Assessment in Autism Answer the following question: 1. How can teachers embed support systems into their daily instructional routine to ensure

Methods and Assessment in Autism Answer the following question:

1. How can teachers embed support systems into their daily instructional routine to ensure the use of visual supports, structured work systems, response to interventions (RTI’s), and child-specific interests?( I am a teacher in a high school self-contained special needs classroom)

Respond to student discussion question:

Student A. (Hedi B.) I have a pre-K blended special education classroom with one student that has an ASD diagnosis. Barton & Harn 2012, discuss in chapter 5 about three main areas that can be particularly challenging for ASD students which are attending to relevant stimuli, shifting attention and attention to more than one stimulus at a time. I have created a visual schedule for my student to check to keep track of his activities. I also use a first/ then schedule for him to get through the morning. He also gets to choose a reward that he is working towards. I do notice that he has screaming episodes if he does not want to take part in an activity. A teacher can in bed these types of activities into the daily program, but it doesn’t mean it will be successful.

Barton, E. E., & Harn, B. (2012). Educating young children with autism spectrum disorders. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin.

StudentB. (sar M)Barton and Harn (2012), discuss the importance of incorporating data collection into instruction in order to improve student outcome and create more individualized plans for each student. This concept can be completed in many different ways. Although I do not have a self-contained Autism Support classroom, I do have a self-contained special education classroom (intense emotional support) and I embed multiple support systems, RTII (what it is called in Pennsylvania), and child interests throughout my daily instruction. Each student has their own Reflection Room (padded room for cool down time) within my classroom, which is our biggest embedded support system. The students know they are permitted to utilize their Reflection Room any time they feel as though they need a break. Only one of my students requires a schedule, however, it is not a typical schedule; there are no times on his schedule. He has a written schedule titled ‘AM Activities’ and separate written schedule for ‘PM Activities.’ This schedule was made using his personal interests and is a Scooby-Doo Theme. He will only complete work that is listed on his schedule and needs it all called activities, because the word ‘work’ is a trigger for him. My other 2 students do not use a schedule, however, they are shown what work is expected for the day. They know they can complete it at their own pace, as long as it is completed by the end of the day.


Barton, Erin E. & Harn, Beth (2012).Educating Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Corwin, NASP. ISBN – 13:9781412987288


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