MGMT 342 Emotional Intelligence 2.0 essay Papers will be TYPED, one page minimal if single spaced, two page minimal if double spaced. They shall be present

MGMT 342 Emotional Intelligence 2.0 essay Papers will be TYPED, one page minimal if single spaced, two page minimal if double spaced. They shall be presented in the following format: Topic Summary in 2-4 sentences Topic Analysis Examples given by author Examples of the topic you have witnessed in YOUR OWN LIFE WILL YOU take this topic and apply it to your personal leadership skills in your future organizationI dropped an example hoe to organize the assignment. Example of Weekly Case Presentations
Emotional Intelligence Chapters 1-4
Topic Summary
In the first four (4) chapters of Emotional intelligence 2.0, the authors demonstrated that there is
more to success in the world then merely a high intelligence quota (IQ). Emotional intelligence or Quota
(EQ), is an evolving discipline that has been shown to have strong correlation to success. Although not
related to IQ, EQ expands a humans awareness of not only their emotions, but that of others, This in
turn has proven to be tied to success.
Our five (5) senses are electronic signals that trigger our thought process. Before our brain can process
what to do in any given situation, out Limbic System kicks in and generates emotion. This can make or
break us. Controlling our emotions and understanding others, can create clarity and clearer thought
This book will present sixty-six (66) strategies to increase my EQ.
Topic Analysis
Even though EQ has been proven to be a quality that helps others out perform peers, studies show only
36% of people are aware of their emotional state at any given time. In order to become aware, we must
first understand that there are four (4) categories and skills to EQ –
Self Awareness – what makes us tick
Self Management – knowing our emotions
Social Awareness – understanding others’ emotions
Relationship Management – productive interaction with others based on the other three (3)
Author Examples
The book opens up with an example of a surfer who come under a shark attack. The illustration
demonstrates how emotions can rise and fall from fear, to anger, while clouding our judgment to act
Seventy percent (70%) of those with a high EQ outperform those with high IQ. Whereby only
twenty percent (20%) of those with high IQ out perform those with high EQ. High EQ equates to job
success fifty-eight percent (58%) of the time. It has even been tied to a higher salary. Those with
proven high EQ make on average $29k a year more.
Personal Life Examples
Throughout my personal life, I see daily how my emotions can fluctuate. This can have a major impact
on my professionalism and relationships. Whether its with clients in my law practice, employees in
other businesses, or personal relationships. How I register and control my emotions can dictate success
or failure. If I get nervous teaching, or mad at a client, I will not be able to deliver my work service
Application to personal life
I am going to make it my personal goal to understand EQ and study this book. This will ensure my own
mental well-being, in addition to increasing my success in various aspects of life.
1. Topic Summary in 2-4 sentences
II. Topic Analysis
III. Examples given by author
IV. Examples of the topic you have witnessed in YOUR OWN LIFE
V. How WILL YOU take this topic and apply it to your personal leadership skills in your future

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