MGT 411 Aspects of Design Thinking Paper Resources: Page 109 of Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 6 and the organization you selected in the We

MGT 411 Aspects of Design Thinking Paper Resources: Page 109 of Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 6 and the organization you selected in the Week 2 Individual Assignment

Write a 1,200- to 1,400-word paper using the same organization you selected in Week 2, and include the following:

Apply the five key elements of design thinking to analyze the organization’s effectiveness in design thinking and innovation.
Evaluate where the organization excels in design thinking.
Detail where the organization needs improvement.
Make specific recommendations that the organization can undertake to improve design thinking and innovation.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Definition of Design Thinking
Design thinking is a new approach to create breakthrough innovation and promote highperformance collaboration. It is quite different from analytical thinking and is a process for
action. It is a method for discovering new opportunities and solving problems. While there are a
variety of techniques and tools that can be used, the core process is somewhat universal.
Aspects of Design Thinking
It is generally understood that there are five key elements in design thinking: (1) defining the
problem, (2) developing the options, (3) determining the direction, (4) selecting the best solution,
and (5) executing. The steps have some degree of similarity to those in the scientific process.
Each of these will be discussed in turn.
Defining the Problem
This first step, correctly defining the problem, while sounding simple is often the most difficult
of design thinking. If the right problem is not defined, then of course the solution, if obtained, is
for something else. Defining the problem is usually a team effort with a significant amount of
participation by each team member.
Defining the problem usually involves observation—discerning what individuals actually do
versus what they may say they do. It also involves cross-functional thinking trying to find the
real issues involved. Any preconceived notions or judgments need to be abandoned so that the
right problem can be defined in such a way that creative solutions can occur. If the problem is a
sitting apparatus, the problem is not to design a chair but to design something to suspend a
person from the floor.
Developing the Options
Once the problem is defined, the second element—developing the options—takes place. Care
should be taken not to take the same approach as has been used in the past. Design thinking
requires the creation of several solutions to the problem for consideration even when one
solution seems obvious. For this to occur, multiple perspectives and team involvement are
important. Multiple people involved develop a far richer range of solutions.
Determining the Direction
This third stage—determining the direction—requires that the most promising solutions are
carefully nurtured. An environment in the organization needs to be created so that each solution
can be allowed to develop and grow. This environment of experimentation and testing allows the
best solution to emerge. Often during this stage, ideas are combined to form an even better
Selecting the Best Solution
From the many solutions maturing from the previous stage, the best solution can be selected.
Prototypes of this solution are created and tested. This vigorous testing helps to ensure that the
final solution is the best possible one.
Once the optimal form of the solution to the problem is found, the solution needs to be
implemented. This execution element may prove difficult particularly when significant change is
involved. Design thinking involves the acceptance of change and risk, which is often not easily
embraced both by individuals and organizations. Execution also involves implementing design
thinking on a continual basis as it is a repeatable process that will result in creative solutions to
problems defined.
Week 3: Aspects of Design Thinking
Grading Guide
MGT/411 Version 2
Innovative and Creative Business Thinking
Aspects of Design Thinking Paper
Grading Guide
MGT/411 Version 2
Individual Assignment: Aspects of Design Thinking Paper
Purpose of Assignment
The individual assignment due in Week 3 provides students with an opportunity to explain and explore design
thinking. This assignment also provides students with an opportunity to analyze how organizations excel at
design thinking and evaluate where they need to improve design thinking.
Resources Required
Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 6, p.109
Grading Guide
Not Met
Not Met
The student analyzes the effectiveness of the
organization in applying the five key elements
of design thinking to analyze the
organization’s design thinking and innovation.
The student evaluates where the organization
excels in design thinking.
The student details where the organization
needs improvement.
The student makes specific recommendations
the organization can undertake to improve
design thinking and Innovation
The paper 1,200 to 1,400 words in length.
Writing Guidelines
The paper—including tables and graphs,
headings, title page, and reference page—is
consistent with APA formatting guidelines and
meets course-level requirements.
Intellectual property is recognized with in-text
citations and a reference page.
Paragraph and sentence transitions are
present, logical, and maintain the flow
Aspects of Design Thinking Paper
Grading Guide
MGT/411 Version 2
Writing Guidelines
Not Met
throughout the paper.
For Paper: Sentences are complete, clear,
and concise.
Rules of grammar and usage are followed
including spelling and punctuation.
Assignment Total
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