MGT 670 A Survey Set Rubric This assignment is slightly weird, obviously it is a survey!SEE the attached please as well as see the Survey Set Rubric to avo

MGT 670 A Survey Set Rubric This assignment is slightly weird, obviously it is a survey!SEE the attached please as well as see the Survey Set Rubric to avoided losing grade please. Thank you.
Survey Set Rubric



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
On time?

to >20.0 pts
Full Marks
25: If submitted on time.
20: If submitted >1 day after submission deadline.

to >0 pts
No Marks
– 5 points for every day submitted past the deadline.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
All Completed?

to >20.0 pts
Full Marks
25: If all items are completed.
20: If a minor amount of items are not completed.

to >0 pts
No Marks
Points lost for a significant amount of items not completed.

25.0 pts

Total Points:
50.0 Survey Set #1
MGT 670 A
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At one time or another, each of us has had a poor performance of some kind. It may have been a poor test result
in school, a poor presentation at work, or a poor performance in an athletic event. Think of a poor performance
event that you have experienced and work through the following three steps.
Step 1. Briefly describe the specific event in some detail. Include why you label it a poor performance (Bad test
score, low performance rating).
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Step 2. Analyze the Poor Performance
a. List all the possible contributing causes to the poor performance. Be specific, such as the room was too hot,
you did not get enough sleep, you were not told how to perform the task, etc. You might ask other people for
possible ideas, too.
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2. Click or tap here to enter text.
3.Click or tap here to enter text.
4. Click or tap here to enter text.
5.Click or tap here to enter text.
6. Click or tap here to enter text.
7. Click or tap here to enter text.
b. Is there a primary cause for the poor performance? What is it?
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Step 3: Plan to Correct the Poor Performance
Develop a step-by-step plan of action that specifies what you can change or do differently to improve your
performance the next time you have an opportunity. Include seeking help if it is needed. Once your plan is
developed, look for an opportunity to execute it.
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Created by Dr. Lisa Williams, Niagara University
Page 1 of 5
Read each of the following statements and rate yourself on a scale of 0 to 3, giving the answer that best
describes how you generally feel (3 points for always, 2 points for often, 1 point for sometimes, and 0 points for
never). Answer as honestly as you can, and do not spend too much time on any one statement.
Am I Overstressed?
Choose an item.
1. I have to make important snap judgments and decisions.
Choose an item.
2. I am not consulted about what happens on my job or in my classes.
Choose an item.
3. I feel I am underpaid.
Choose an item.
4. I feel that no matter how hard I work, the system will mess it up.
Choose an item.
5. I do not get along with some of my coworkers or fellow students.
Choose an item.
6. I do not trust my superiors at work or my professors at school.
Choose an item.
7. The paperwork burden on my job or at school is getting to me.
Choose an item.
8. I feel people outside the job or the university do not respect what I do.
A higher score on this measure indicates higher stress levels, which can lead to lower performance, disengagement from
work, and physical symptoms of stress. Some ways to counteract stress are: positive thinking, time management, making
time for leisure, exercising, eating a healthy diet, talking or venting, and getting professional help. Redesigning jobs,
setting goals, role negotiation, and social support are also means of dealing with high work-related stress.
Am I Angry?
Choose an item.
1. I feel that people around me make too many irritating mistakes.
Choose an item.
2. I feel annoyed because I do good work or perform well in school, but no one
appreciates it.
Choose an item.
3. When people make me angry, I tell them off.
Choose an item.
4. When I am angry, I say things I know will hurt people.
Choose an item.
5. I lose my temper easily.
Choose an item.
6. I feel like striking out at someone who angers me.
Choose an item.
7. When a coworker or fellow student makes a mistake, I tell him or her about it.
Choose an item.
8. I cannot stand being criticized in public.
Higher scores on this measure indicate the extent to which anger characterizes your personality. High levels of
anger can lead to aggressive and deviant behaviors at work, as well as unhealthy coping behaviors and negative
effects on health (e.g., cardiovascular function). Emotions are contagious and can also drive decision making
and other important work functions leading to less effective decision making and decreases in job satisfaction
and commitment.
SOURCE: Questionnaire developed by C. D. Spielberger. Appeared in W. Barnhill, “Early Warning,” The Washington Post (August 11, 1992): B5.
Created by Dr. Lisa Williams, Niagara University
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Active listening is a skill that you can practice and learn. Here are ten (10) tips to help you become a better
1. Stop talking. You cannot listen if your mouth is moving.
2. Put the speaker at ease. Break the ice to help the speaker relax. Smile!
3. Show the speaker you want to listen. Put away your work. Do not look at your watch. Maintain good eye contact.
4. Remove distractions. Close your door. Do not answer the telephone.
5. Empathize with the speaker. Put yourself in the speaker’s shoes.
6. Be patient. Not everyone delivers messages at the same pace.
7. Hold your temper. Do not fly off the handle.
8. Go easy on criticism. Criticizing the speaker can stifle communication.
9. Ask questions. Paraphrase and clarify the speaker’s message.
10. Stop talking. By this stage, you are probably very tempted to start talking, but do not. Be sure the speaker
has finished.
Think of the last time you had a difficult communication with someone at work or school. Evaluate yourself in
that situation against each of the ten items. Which one(s) do you need to improve on the most?
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SOURCE: From “Steps to Better Listening” by C. Hamilton and B. H. Kleiner. Copyright © February 1987. Reprinted with permission, Personnel Journal, all rights
Created by Dr. Lisa Williams, Niagara University
Page 3 of 5
Not all of our communication is defensive, but each of us has a tendency to engage in either subordinate or
dominant defensiveness. The following table presents twelve (12) sets of choices that will help you see whether
you tend to be more subordinate or dominant when you communicate defensively.
Complete the questionnaire by allocating 10 points between the two (2) alternatives in each of section.

For example, if you never ask permission when it is not needed (Subordinate, #3), but you do give or
deny permission frequently (Dominant #3 on next page), you may give yourself 0 and 10 points,

However, if you do each of these behaviors about equally, though at different times, you may want to
give yourself 5 points for each alternative.

The two sections should add to a total of 120 points.
Subordinate Defensiveness
Choose an item.
1. Explain, prove, justify your actions, ideas, or feelings more than is required for results
Choose an item.
2. Ask why things are done the way they are, when you really want to change them. Why
don’t they…?
Choose an item.
3. Ask permissions when not needed. Is it okay with you if… ?
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
4. Give away decisions, ideas, or power when it would be appropriate to claim them as
your own. Don’t you think that…?
5. Apologize, feel inadequate, say I’m sorry when you’re not.
Choose an item.
6. Submit or withdraw when it’s not in your best interest. Whatever you say . . .
Choose an item.
7. Lose your cool, lash out, cry where it’s inappropriate (turning your anger toward
Choose an item.
8. Go blank, click off, be at a loss for words just when you want to have a ready response.
I should’ve said . . . (afterwards)
Choose an item.
9. Use coping humor, hostile jocularity, or put yourself down when “buying time” or
honest feedback would get better results. Why don’t you lay off?
Choose an item.
10. Use self-deprecating adjectives and reactive verbs. I’m just a . . . I’m just doing what
was told.
Choose an item.
11. Use the general you and they when I and personal names would state the situation
more clearly. They really hassle you here.
Choose an item.
12. Smile to cover up feelings or put yourself down since you don’t know what else to do
and it’s nice.
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TOTAL Subordinate Defensives Points
Continued on next page…
Created by Dr. Lisa Williams, Niagara University
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Dominant Defensiveness
Choose an item.
1. Prove that you’re right. I told you so. Now see, that proves my point.
Choose an item.
2. Give patient explanations but few answers. It’s always been done this way. We tried
that before, but…
Choose an item.
3. Give or deny permission. Oh, I couldn’t let you do that.
Choose an item.
4. Make decisions or take power as your natural right. The best way to do it is . . . Don’t
argue, just do as I say.
Choose an item.
5. Prod people to get the job done. Don’t just stand there . . .
Choose an item.
6. Take over a situation or decision even when it’s delegated; get arbitrary. My mind is
made up.
Choose an item.
7. Lose your cool, yell, pound the desk where it’s inappropriate (turning your anger
toward others).
Choose an item.
8. Shift responsibility for something you should have taken care of yourself. You’ve
always done it before. What’re you all of a sudden upset for now?
Choose an item.
9. Use coping humor, baiting, teasing, hostile jocularity, mimicry to keep other people off
balance so you don’t have to deal with them. What’s the matter, can’t you take it?
Choose an item.
10. Impress others with how many important people you know. The other night at
Bigname’s party when I was talking to…
Choose an item.
11 Don’t listen: interpret. Catch the idea of what they’re saying, then list rebuttals or
redefine their point. Now what you really mean is…
Choose an item.
12. Use verbal dominance, if necessary, to make your point. Don’t let anyone interrupt
what you have to say.
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TOTAL Dominant Defensiveness Points
Review your total points for each section. Whichever number is larger identifies your defensive style.
Higher on Subordinate Defensiveness: Passive or submissive behaviors that imply the other person is right and you are
wrong. Can be indicative of low self-esteem or hold a lower-level position within the organization. This approach can
result in lost input that and be detrimental to individual and organizational performance. These behaviors can sometimes
take passive forms (e.g., withdrawal), but the root issue may be aggression and hostility. Individuals who are high on
subordinate defensiveness need to become more assertive. For example, report intentions rather than ask permission (e.g.,
“I will draft the report” versus “Is it ok if I draft the report?”), and use assertive language such as “I am following
procedures” rather than “I’m just following procedures.”
Higher on Dominant Defensiveness: Active, aggressive, attacking behaviors that imply or say the speaker is right and
the other is wrong. Sometimes this approach is used by people who hold higher-level positions in the organization.
Individuals who are high on dominant defensiveness should give thoughtful consideration to the feedback of others, stop
assuming the right to give or deny permission to others, and provide information about potential consequences rather than
using anger.
Assertiveness: Generally, the most effective form of communication characterized by being centered, controlled,
informative, realistic, and honest. This self-affirming (versus self-aggrandizing) behavior is considerate of the listener.
From Nelson & Quick, 2009, ORGB 2008-9 Ed., Mason, OH: Southwestern.
Created by Dr. Lisa Williams, Niagara University
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