Miami University Power and Privilege Discussion DISCUSSION PREPARATION To have productive discussions, it is important to prepare and to have something to

Miami University Power and Privilege Discussion DISCUSSION PREPARATION

To have productive discussions, it is important to prepare and to have something to contribute to keep the conversation going. To this end, you will choose roles that have specific tasks for your discussion groups. The objective is for each person to enter a discussion session prepared to share different perspectives that emerged from the same text.


Format. The roles differ and so do formats, so there is no length requirement for your discussion post. While you are welcome to include a summary, this is not the substance of your preparation. The task roles describe the expectation for each role and these will determine success. Your post should begin by introducing which role you will use.

ALL initial posts of task information is due on Tuesday by 11:59pm. You must post one thoughtful response each to at least two different peers’ posts by Friday 11:59pm.

Your responses to peer posts need to:

Directly and thoroughly address all aspects of the initial response by either adding to their argument, correcting a statement of fact, or posing new questions connected to their response and the key concepts covered.
Include a minimum of 3 distinct references to course content (at least one must be from the course text) Cite your sources accurately.
Be written in complete sentences, use proper punctuation, and correct spelling.
Be respectful of differing points of view and follow proper Netiquette guidelines.


Director. The Director’s job is to facilitate a worthwhile discussion and to make sure the conversation has a great start and moves through smoothly. Depth is sometimes more useful in a discussion than breadth; you don’t have to push past a lively, engaged discussion just to make sure that you get to all your questions. Engagement in a question can indicate a well-crafted question. Directors help the group talk about the large ideas found in the text. Directors listen carefully to the direction and substance of the group’s discussion, balance the time spent on particular ideas, and make sure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute. The Director’s job is to facilitate not control the conversation, which means being particularly conscious that all voices and ideas are acknowledged.

Read the requirement and define files carefully, and please use simple language to finish.

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