Mini Strategy for Starbucks Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for a Mini-Strategy using the Mini-Strategy Outline. Note: Studen

Mini Strategy for Starbucks Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for a Mini-Strategy using the Mini-Strategy Outline.

Note: Students will select a different organization from the one selected in Week 3.

Include the following in your outline:

Evaluate the organization’s mission statement, vision statement, and values statement.
Discuss the organization’s current goals and objectives.
Assess the organization’s current status:
Board members
Number of employees
Conduct a basic SWOTT analysis and discuss the implications of those results.
Report the most recent financial results including annual revenues, annual after tax earnings, and five years of year-end stock prices.
Perform competitor analysis.
Develop strategic recommendations to the board of directors including rationale.
Create a profile of the current CEO including the following:
Background and accomplishments
Education and educational experiences
Length of time in the current position
Major career accomplishments
Leadership and management styles
Vision for the company
Innovative accomplishments

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