MIS330 Google Maps Criteria Address See attached for details. Criteria Address each criterion in order: 1. Who uses this application and what is it used

MIS330 Google Maps Criteria Address See attached for details.

Criteria Address each criterion in order:

1. Who uses this application and what is it used for?

2. Describe how to execute three key processes on the application.

3. Describe the strengths of the application.

4. Describe the weaknesses of the application

5. Provide suggestion(s) on how the application can be improved.

6. Why is this application of value to the user?

7. How is the application valuable to the application creator/owner?

8. How well designed is the user interface?

Note: Do not include the questions, but instead restate it as a statement that begins theparagraph. Include an introduction and conclusion.

Format and Grading This paper must be in MS word format and submitted to the class blackboard site. Formats otherthan MS word will count against the grade. Papers sent via email cannot be graded. Paper must be double spaced, 11 point type, 1 inch margins on all sides. Font type may either be Calibri or Times NewRoman. MIS 330
Writing Assignment 1
This persuasive writing assignment must be at least 1250 words (about 3-4 pages, do not exceed ~1500
words). Note that this is not a research paper – the use of any quoted material, if any, should be
minimal. Use APA citation as needed.

Select an app of your choice (e.g., Google Maps, Spotify, MapMyRun) and address the eight
criteria below. Consider your audience to be potential adopters of the application.
Use a professional tone and do not write in first person (do not write “I think” or “I feel”, etc.).
Write as if you are trying to get the reader to agree with your point of view.
Address each criterion in order:
1. Who uses this application and what is it used for?
2. Describe how to execute three key processes on the application.
3. Describe the strengths of the application.
4. Describe the weaknesses of the application
5. Provide suggestion(s) on how the application can be improved.
6. Why is this application of value to the user?
7. How is the application valuable to the application creator/owner?
8. How well designed is the user interface?
Note: Do not include the questions, but instead restate it as a statement that begins the paragraph.
Include an introduction and conclusion.
Format and Grading
This paper must be in MS word format and submitted to the class blackboard site. Formats other than
MS word will count against the grade. Papers sent via email cannot be graded. Paper must be double
spaced, 11 point type, 1 inch margins on all sides. Font type may either be Calibri or Times New Roman.
Sequence/development of
Content Coverage
All directions followed
All elements covered diligently
All of your writing must be original and cannot have been used in a prior class or by anyone else. The
SafeAssign featured will be enabled on Blackboard to detect any honor code violations.

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