MKTG 305 Business Communication Syllabus Summary please summarize the syllabus in 3 paragraphs. MKTG 305: Business Communication Spring 2019 Online Syllabu

MKTG 305 Business Communication Syllabus Summary please summarize the syllabus in 3 paragraphs. MKTG 305: Business Communication
Spring 2019 Online Syllabus
Instructor Information
Stevina Evuleocha, Ph.D.
Students are required to include their section number in the subject
line of ALL emails to the instructor.
Applications of logical and creative thinking, and oral and written communications in the
administrative decision-making process in business organizations. Enrollment priority
given to Business Administration and Economics majors, then Business Administration
minors. Prerequisites: Junior standing; either C- (CR) or better in ENGL 3000 or ENGL
3001 and a score of 7 on the first-tier portfolio, or score of 7 or better on the Writing
Skills test, or satisfaction of the graduation writing assessment requirement (GWAR) at
any CSU campus including the USWR at Cal State East Bay. Credit unavailable
through challenge.
Guffey, Mary Ellen. (2013). Essentials of Business Communication. 9 th ed.
SouthWestern College Publishing.
Additionally, internet access, a working email and a computer are needed.
• Identify the elements of the business communication process.
• Use business English clearly, concisely, and correctly.
• Write professional and effective business documents, including memos, email,
letters and reports.
• Deliver effective business presentations.
• Write effective employment application letters, resumes, and follow-letters.
• Understand and apply effective employment interviewing strategies.
• Use business communication technologies.
• Understand cross-cultural business communication issues.
• Understand and apply effective small group behavior strategies.
Students are responsible for ensuring that the electronic format they use to submit
Assignments are accessible to the instructor. An assignment that is not accessible has
not been completed. You may receive a zero grade and a request to resubmit the
assignment in proper format.
Visit the Course Materials link for details of all assignments.
Unless otherwise indicated by the instructor, weekly assignments, exams, and
your team project are due on Sundays by 11:59 p.m. Initial discussion postings
are due Wednesday evenings, and discussion board responses to (and reading
of) others’ posts are due Sunday evenings.
Please pay close attention to deadlines to avoid late work. There will be no make-up
assignments, and late work will not be accepted. Students are encouraged to
submit work at least a day or two before the due date. Turning your assignment in
before the due date protects you from any unforeseen emergencies or Blackboard
glitches. It is also advisable to read the weekly announcements for updates that
may support your learning.
Every effort will be made to complete grading of journals and discussion board
assignments before the next submission. Grading of assignments that require a rewrite
can take longer. Exams and weekly assignments are to be completed no later than
Sunday night, 11:59 p.m., unless otherwise indicated by the instructor. Exams,
assignments, discussion postings, and major projects will not be accepted after the
date/time due.
Below are the percentage values for the graded course assignments:
Discussion Boards
Weekly Journals
Business Memorandum*
Business Letter*
Employment Communications Package
(Job Ad, Application Letter, Resume*
Follow-up Letter)
Mock Employment Interview
Interview Evaluation
Business Report
Peer Evaluations
Exam I
Exam II
D< 60% F 5% 5% 10% 10% 10% 9.9% 9.9% STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES At different times throughout the semester, you will participate in a blend of self-paced and group-paced activities. There is a Discussion Forum designed for your participation weekly, bi-weekly or as scheduled by the instructor. Plan to read and post regularly to the discussion board as instructed. Check prompts & discussion board rubrics for specifics. Your thorough and timely participation in discussion is one of the keys to success in this course. A “Course Q & A Forum (for specific class related matters) is available throughout the semester. Please note that the weekly Discussion Forums have a life span of one week. Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to modify this schedule to accommodate Course Learning Objectives. Each course week starts on Monday at 12:30 a.m. unless otherwise stated and ends the following Sunday @ 11:59 p.m. You have from Monday through Sunday to post responses to each discussion prompt. Professional Standards for the Classroom The classroom is a dynamic learning environment in which discussion is encouraged. Please adhere to the topic at hand in discussions and avoid personal or insulting remarks. Refer to the “Acceptable Computing Use Policy” in Announcements for further guidance. FORMATTING OF ASSIGNMENTS A professional appearance tends to establish the writer’s credibility in business communication as well as improve reader understanding. The specifics of page layout & particular formats are explained in the lectures and illustrated in sample work provided where necessary. COURSE EVALUATION & GRADING Students will be evaluated on the following: • Quality of written assignments • Adherence to the requirements for the assignment • Formatting • Grammar • Spelling Mechanics and style • Sufficient participation in Discussion Board (See Discussion Board Requirements in Syllabus Link) DISCUSSION BOARD REQUIREMENTS Discussions are not scheduled every week (see course schedule on following pages for scheduled discussions). During weeks when discussions take place, students are required to submit an initial post by Wednesday evening at 11:59 p.m., and respond to/read posts of peers by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Specific instructions can be found in the prompt for each discussion within the Discussion Board and course materials folder. Please refer to the discussion rubric for additional requirements Timeliness - Post your initial response (at least 300 words in length) by Wednesday. Respond to two + posts others have written by Sunday night. Your responses should be at least 100 words each in length. Feel free to share insights, ask questions, or provide an equally substantive contribution in your replies. . Content/Subject Knowledge/Critical Thinking – Be sure to address the prompt completely and in depth covering all points and providing evidence where necessary. Posts should reflect an understanding of the lecture, & readings by drawing relevant examples from both. EXAMS There are 2 exams in this course – both multiple choice. Exams are based on lectures and assigned readings, so be sure to complete reviewing lectures and readings prior to taking the exam. Exams can only be taken once, and are timed. Exam II will consist of lecture material and readings covered in the second half of the semester. Description of Other Assignments Journals Journals in the classroom are designed as a tool to help students become actively engaged with the course material as well as to encourage regular writing. Research Report This assignment requires you to work in a small team of a minimum of 4 members and a maximum of 5 to prepare a business report on an assigned company. More details for this assignment can be found in course materials. Team Presentation This assignment consists of preparing and presenting the highlights of your team report via video. Each team presentation is 15-20 minutes. Team Peer Evaluation Each student needs to complete and submit a group project peer evaluation form individually. Please upload this evaluation by May 12. This form gives you an opportunity to provide feedback on the relative contributions of your team members to the team project. Employment Package The employment communication package includes a position announcement, your job resume, an application letter and a follow up letter. All four documents are submitted together. Mock Interview You are required to pick a partner from your section to video tape a practice interview. The total time for the two segments of the interview is 10 minutes. Each segment should last 5 minutes. Failure to complete the interview assignment with a classmate will result in a grade reduction. Detailed Weekly Schedule Week 1: January 20-27 Lecture: COURSE INTRO VIDEO/REVIEW SYLLABUS & COURSE EXPECTATIONS Reading: Syllabus located under “Syllabus” Due: Discussion-Individual Profile - Prompts for all discussions can be found in Discussion Board Area. 1. Post your initial response (at least 300 words in length) by Wednesday. 2. Respond to two + posts others have written by Sunday night. Your responses should be at least 100 words in length. Feel free to share insights, ask questions, or provide an equally substantive contribution in your replies. Week 2: Lecture: Reading: Due: January 28-February 3 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS COMMUNICATION LECTURE VIDEO Chapter 1 Journal- Week 2- Students are expected to keep a journal of their activities and thoughts throughout the duration of this class. You should include three or more paragraphs reflecting YOUR thoughts on the lecture or activity for a designated period. Use your first journal entry to summarize the key points of the syllabus. Note that you need at least 3 paragraphs for journal entries. Week 3: Lecture: Reading: Due: Activity: February 4-10 TEAM BUILDING VIDEO HBR Listening article Discussion-Team Building Ice Breaker Team Meeting – Assignment of team roles Week 4: Lecture: Review: Reading: Due: February 11-17 EMAIL & MEMORANDUM LECTURE VIDEO Sample Memo & Prompt for Assignment Chapters 5, 7 & 9 Business Memo Draft 1 Journal-Week 4 Week 5: Lecture: Reading: February 18-24 BUSINESS REPORTS LECTURE VIDEO Chapters 9 & 10 Review Company & Industry Research document Confirm your membership of a group by the end of this week. Team Stock Market Report Activity: Due: Week 6: Lecture: Reading: Activity: February 25-March 3 HIGH & LOW CONTEXT CULTURE VIDEO Review Chapter 1 Set up bb1 Group Work Space for a max of 5 & minimum of 4 members. Discussion-High & Low Context Culture Journal-Week 6 Week 7: Lecture: Due: March 4-10 BUSINESS LETTER LECTURE VIDEO Discussion-Fostering Teamwork Business Letter Draft 1 Week 8: Lecture: Reading: Due: March 11-17 EMPLOYMENT COMMUNICATION (RESUME & JOB LETTERS) VIDEO Read Chapters 13 & 14 Journal-Week 8 Business Memo Draft 2 Week 9: Activity: March 18-24 Drafting of Employment Package Exam I Team Project Progress Report (1 report per team) No Discussion or Journal Due: Week 10: Lecture: Reading: Due: March 25-31 EMPLOYMENT COMMUNICATION (INTERVIEWS) VIDEO Read Chapter 14 Business Letter Draft 2 Discussion-Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question Week 11: Activity: Due: April 1-7 MOCK INTERVIEW RECORDING Interview Evaluation Interview YouTube link-one submission per pair Employment Package Journal-Week 11 Week 12: Lecture: Reading: Due: April 8-14 EFFECTIVE BUSINESS PRESENTATION LECTURE VIDEO Chapter 12 Journal-Week 12/Discussion -Peer Video review Week 13: Activity: Due: April 15-21 RECORD TEAM PRESENTATION VIDEOS YouTube Team Presentation Videos Discussion-Sample Presentation Video Review Week 14: Activity: April 22-28 Exam II Team Project Work Week Week 15: April 29-May 5 Submit Final Team Report by May 5 Team Report Discussion-Closing Thoughts Due: Week 16: May 6-12 TURN IN TEAM PEER EVALUATION No Discussion/No Journal COURSE OUTLINE @ a Glance Week LECTURE, READING & ACTIVITY & ASSIGNMENT DUE WEEK 1 COURSE INTRO VIDEO/REVIEW SYLLABUS 1/20-27 & COURSE EXPECTATIONS Read syllabus thoroughly Read article on Online Learning Strategies Due: Discussion: Individual Profile No Journal WEEK 2 1/28-2/3 WEEK 3 2/4-10 WEEK 4 2/11-17 WEEK 5 2/18-24 WEEK 6 2/25-3/3 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS COMMUNICATION LECTURE VIDEO Read Chapter 1 Due: No Discussion Journal: Week 2 TEAM BUILDING VIDEO Read HBR Listening article Due: Discussion: Team Building Ice Breaker Team Meeting – Assignment of roles No Journal EMAIL & MEMORANDUM LECTURE VIDEO Read Chapters 5, 7 & 9 Review Sample Memo & Prompt for Assignment Due: Journal: Week 4 Business Memo 1 No Discussion BUSINESS REPORTS LECTURE VIDEO Read Chapters 9 & 10 Confirm your membership of a group by the end of this week. Due: Stock Market Report No Discussion or Journal HIGH & LOW CONTEXT CULTURE VIDEO Review Chapter 1 Review Company & Industry Research document Activity: Set up bb1 Group Work Space for a max of 5 & minimum of 4 members Due: Journal: Week 6 Discussion: High & Low Context Culture PERCENT DUE DATE 1/27 1% 2/3 2% 2/10 1% 2/17 2% 5% (NR) 2/24 3/3 2% 1% WEEK 7 3/4-10 WEEK 8 3/11-17 WEEK 9 3/18-24 WEEK 10 3/25-31 WEEK 11 4/1-7 WEEK 12 4/8-14 WEEK 13 4/15-21 WEEK 14 4/22-28 BUSINESS LETTER LECTURE VIDEO Read Chapters 6,7 & 8 Due: Business Letter Draft 1 Discussion: Fostering Teamwork No Journal EMPLOYMENT COMMUNICATION (RESUME & JOB LETTERS) VIDEO Read Chapters 13 & 14 Due: Business Memo Draft 2 Journal: Week 8 No Discussion DRAFTING EMPLOYMENT PACKAGE Exam I Due: Business Letter Assignment Draft 2 Team Project Progress Report No Discussion No Journal EMPLOYMENT COMMUNICATION (INTERVIEWS) VIDEO Read Chapter 14 Due: Discussion: Tell Me About Yourself Interview question No Journal MOCK INTERVIEW RECORDING Due: Interview Evaluation Employment Package Interview YouTube link-One submission per pair Journal: Week 11 No Discussion EFFECTIVE BUSINESS PRESENTATION LECTURE VIDEO Due: Discussion: Peer Review of Interview Video Journal: Week 12 RECORD TEAM PRESENTATION VIDEOS Due: Team Presentation Videos Discussion: Sample Presentation Video Review No Journal Exam II Team Project Work Week No Discussion No Journal 3/10 5% (NR) 1% 3/17 5% 2% 3/24 10% 5% 3/31 2.2% 4/7 5% 10% 5% 1% 4/14 1% 1% 4/21 10% 1% 10% Week 15 4/29-5/5 WEEK 16 5/6-12 Submit Final Team Report – May 5 Due: Team Report Discussion: Closing Thoughts No Journal TURN IN TEAM PEER EVALUATION No Discussion No Journal 5/5 10% 2% 10% 5/12 * NR – Not Recorded CSUEB COMMON SYLLABUS ITEMS • By enrolling in this class the student agrees to uphold the standards of academic integrity described in the catalog at dishonesty.html. • If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, or if you would need assistance in the event of an emergency evacuation, please contact me as soon as possible. Students with disabilities needing accommodation should speak with Accessibility Services. • Information on what to do in an emergency situation (earthquake, electrical outage, fire, extreme heat, severe storm, hazardous materials, terrorist attack) may be found at management/ehs/emergencymanagement/index.html. • Information on the minimum computer hardware and software specifications may be found at: https://en _Browse r_Support_for_October_2014. Please be familiar with these procedures. Information on this page is updated as required. Please review the information on a regular basis. Purchase answer to see full attachment

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