MKTM028 Northampton Strategic Marketing & Orientation Assignment Study Pool Tutor I have a work assignment job related to strategic marketing ” Marketing
MKTM028 Northampton Strategic Marketing & Orientation Assignment Study Pool Tutor
I have a work assignment job related to strategic marketing ” Marketing Orientation ” , so I ask the specialists in this area to help and provide the best they have and that to get ” A ” mark.
Note : The Assignment support video, most watched before starting the assignment.
Should be addressed as the following :-
1. level 7 (MBA) academic style.
2. should include the following academic references and FIVE to EIGHT other academic references sourced by yourself using NELSON (UoN taught).
3. 2000 words, +/- 10% (excluding cover page, contents page, titles and references list).
More details in the attachment. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHAMPTON
MODULE: MKTM028 Strategic Marketing
Module Code
Credit Value
UoN Module Leader
Dr Stephen Castle
Assignment Brief
Assignment title:
Assignment One MKTM028: Marketing Orientation
40% of Module Marks
Feedback and
Grades due:
Resit Date
Purpose of the Assessment
This assignment has been designed to allow students the opportunity to explore the
underlying importance and application of marketing concepts, and to develop key
academic skills.
Assessment Task
It is proposed that the concept of marketing orientation has a number of components:
customer orientation: understanding customers well enough continuously to create
superior value for them;
competitor orientation: awareness of the short- and long-term capabilities of
interfunctional co-ordination: using all company resources to create value for
target customers;
organisational culture: linking employee and managerial behaviour to customer
long-term creation of shareholder value: as the overriding business objective.
Hooley, G., Piercy, N., and Nicoulaud, B., (2012) Marketing Strategy and Competitive
Positioning, 5th Ed. FT Prentice Hall p.8.
By reference to academic literature, critically evaluate this perspective on
marketing orientation, in relation to other business orientations and the
contribution of a marketing orientation to organisation success.
You are required to produce an essay that demonstrates your understanding of key
aspects of different business orientations and the supremacy of a marketing
The essay should be addressed in a level 7 (MBA) academic style. It should have:
a sound theoretical and conceptual perspective, containing evidence of critical
appropriate academic English for level 7 work
appropriate support from secondary literature supported by appropriate UoN
Harvard referencing.
Your work should include the following academic references and FIVE to EIGHT other
academic references sourced by yourself using NELSON (UoN taught) or A-Z EWO list
(Partner Institutions):
Dibb, S. and Stern, P. (2000) Further thoughts on the marketing trifid: the case of
marketing orientation. Journal of Marketing Education 22 (3) pp214-224
Drummond, G. & Ensor, J. (2005) Introduction to Marketing Concepts. 1st ed. Oxford:
Grinstein, A. (2008) The relationship between market orientation and alternative
strategic orientations. European Journal of Marketing 42 (1/2) pp115-134
Laukkanen, T.,Tuominen, S., Reijonen, H., Hirvonen, S. (2016) Does market
orientation pay off without brand orientation? A study of small business
entrepreneurs. Journal of Marketing Management 32 (7-8) pp673-694
Liao, S.-H., Chang, W.-J., Wu C.-C., Katrichis, J.M. (2011) A survey of market
orientation research (1995-2008). Industrial Marketing Management 40 pp301-310
Raju, P.S., Lonial, S.C., Crum, M.D. (2011) Market orientation in the context of SMEs:
A conceptual framework. Journal of Business Research 64 pp1320-1326
Supplementary and Support Information can be viewed in this video. The
information in this video forms an integral part of this assignment brief and is treated
as such in assessment, grading and feedback:
d/1_mijooc43 (7mins).
Assessment Submission
You must submit your work to the ‘Submit your work’ area of the Module NILE site. It
is important that you submit your work to the correct module NILE site, and that your
work is submitted on time by 23.59h (UK local time) of the submission date.
It is suggested that you submit a pdf version of your document to maintain the
The work will be submitted in an essay format and should be 2000 words, +/- 10%
(excluding cover page, contents page, titles and references list). University policy
regarding the presentation of references must be followed.
Word limits will be inline with Assessment and Feedback policy, which states that
where the submission exceeds the stipulated word limit by more than 10%, the
submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%. Anything over
this will not be included in the final grade for the assessment.
Where a submission is notably under the word limit, the full submission will be
marked on the extent to which the requirements of the assessment have been met.
If you have a problem with submitting to NILE email your submission to your local
tutor immediately, and certainly before the submission deadline.
Academic Practice
This is an individual assignment. The University of Northampton policy will apply in all
cases of copying, plagiarism, academic misrepresentation, or any other methods by
which students have obtained (or attempted to obtain) an unfair advantage.
Support and guidance on assessments and academic integrity can be found from the
following resources:
Learning& Development:
Assessment Support/Feedforward
Feedforward will be provided through the video links above, workshop activities,
and/or online Collaborate sessions.
Viva Voce
All students should be prepared to undertake a viva voce to support their submission.
The University and Module team reserve the right to undertake an oral exam at any
Timely preparation and submission of assessments is your responsibility. The
University of Northampton’s general policy with regard to extensions is to be
supportive of students who have genuine difficulties, but not against pressures of
work that could have reasonably been anticipated. Please refer to Appendix I of the
Post Graduate Handbook for advice on extensions.
Extensions will only be given on good grounds, not for poor planning or IT issues.
Extensions will NOT be given within 3 days of submission, without very good reason.
Mitigating Circumstances
For guidance on Mitigating circumstances please go to where under Student Issues you will find
detailed guidance on the policy as well as guidance and the form for making an
Please note, however, that an application to defer an assessment on the grounds of
mitigating circumstances should normally be made in advance of the submission
deadline or examination date.
Late submission of work
If an item of assessment is submitted late and an extension has not been granted, the
following will apply:
Within one week of the original deadline– work will be marked and returned with full
feedback, and awarded a maximum bare pass grade of C-.
More than one week from original deadline– maximum grade achievable LG (indicating
late no grade).
Assessment Guidance: See below.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module, participants will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
Critically select and apply relevant marketing theories, conceptual models and
frameworks in the development of marketing strategies within a dynamic
business environment to produce superior marketplace performance.
Demonstrate knowledge applied to evaluate marketing practice in relation to
the cross-functional aspects of business & management with the goal of
enhancing long-term shareholder value
Subject Specific skills
Synthesise complex organisational based information, together with dynamic
external data into effective marketing lead strategies.
Key Skills
Make discriminating use of a range of learning resources in order to solve
organisational marketing related problems
Communicate the solutions arrived at, and the thinking underlying them, in
verbal and written form.
Assessment criteria
Please consult the Assessment Matters section of the Common Academic Framework Student Guide for information on the general grading criteria.
In order to gain a good pass for this assignment at this level students are expected to
pay attention to the following generic grading criteria.
The actual grading criteria against which the submission will be judged are shown on
pages 8:
These are the criteria required to achieve each classification at:
Level 7
A very
Work which fulfils all the criteria of the grade below, but at an
exceptional standard
Work of distinguished quality which is evidenced by an authoritative
comprehensive, detailed and systematic knowledge base and
understanding for specialised area of study. A key feature will be the
ability to work with creativity and originality using knowledge and
insights at the forefront of the area of study. There will be a confident
grasp of disciplinary methodologies for the discipline/area of study which
will be consistently reflected in both own research and advanced
scholarship, effectively integrating advanced skills of analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and application on a firm foundation of critical facility. Work
will be characterised by strong technical expertise to high professional
standards, and there will be sustained evidence of confident,
autonomous operation and judgment in complex and unpredictable
professional situations both in relation to working with others and in
relation to own functioning. Self-direction, creativity, practical
understanding will be combined to demonstrate the qualities expected of
an effective self critical independent learner exercising excellent
measured judgment, and will be a consistent feature of work.
A clear
Work of very good quality which displays most but not all of the criteria
for the grade above.
Work of highly commendable quality which clearly fulfils the criteria for
the grade below, but shows a greater degree of capability in relevant
advanced intellectual or specialised skills.
A very
strong Merit
A Merit
Work of commendable quality demonstrating a detailed and systematic
knowledge base and understanding in specialised areas, informed by
critical awareness of current issues, research based/theoretical insights
at the forefront of the area of study. This will be supplemented by a
good comprehensive understanding of disciplinary methodologies
relevant to own research or advanced scholarship, which will be
reflected in work which integrates skills of advanced analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and application with critical awareness. There will be some
evidence of originality in application of skills/knowledge, underpinned by
good technical expertise which permits confident, autonomous operation
in a range of complex and unpredictable professional situations. The
ability to work autonomously, as a self critical independent learner
exercising good and considered judgment, will be a consistent feature of
Work of good quality which contains most, but not all of the
characteristics of the grade above.
Work which clearly fulfils the criteria for the grade below, but shows a
greater degree of capability in relevant advanced intellectual or
specialised skills.
A Very
Good Pass
Work of capable quality which clearly demonstrates a systematic
understanding of knowledge in specialised areas and a critical awareness
of current issues, research based/theoretical knowledge at the forefront
of the area of study, together with a sound understanding of
methodologies applicable to own research or advanced scholarship.
There may be limitations to the application of this knowledge and/or
conceptual understanding of advanced scholarship, but there will be
evidence of critical awareness in relation to analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and application. The ability to exercise initiative as an
independent and self critical learner in complex and unpredictable
professional contexts will be demonstrated, as will threshold levels of
technical expertise, although the scope of expertise may be limited.
A Pass
Work of satisfactory quality which contains most, but not all of the
characteristics of the grade above.
Work which indicates some evidence of a systematic, coherent and
analytical engagement with key aspects of the field of study, including
familiarity with current scholarship, and evidence of ability to utilise
specialised skills, but which also contains significant limitations.
Work that falls well short of the threshold standards in relation to
one or more of knowledge, intellectual, subject based or key skills at this
Work of poor quality which is based on only minimal understanding,
application or effort. It will offer only very limited evidence of familiarity
with knowledge or skills appropriate to the field of study at this level.
Work submitted but academic misconduct proven and penalty given was
to award AG grade
Work submitted but given an LG grade due to late submission
Work submitted but work comprises no value
Nothing presented
Grading / feedback guidance
The table on the following pages serves as the specific grading guide to assist you in
preparing, structuring, presenting and evaluating your own work. Tutor feedback will
also include specific remarks on strengths and aspects for improvement as well as
overall comments on the assignment as a whole.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR MKTM028 – Marketing Orientation
Structure &
A polished and
coherent structure.
Thoughts & ideas are
well presented.
Presentation carefully
and logically
Presentation and
Presentation shows
attempt to organise.
Very Weak
Disorganised and
unclear, poorly
Clarity &
Thoughts & ideas are
expressed clearly and
focused. Fluent
academic style.
Thoughts and ideas
expressed with clarity
and focus.
Language mainly
fluent though some
Language not always
fluent. Not level 7
work Needs thorough
Language well below
level 7 expectations.
Reading /
Excellent range of
relevant sources has
been used to inform
the piece, with clear
evidence that the
credibility of sources
has been considered.
Good range of sources
used to inform the
piece. There is
evidence that the
credibility of sources
has been considered.
Sound range of
sources has been
used, although
evaluation of these is
more limited.
Limited range of
sources used to
inform the piece, with
little evidence of
Very limited range of
sources has been
used, many of which
are not credible.
Use of UON
Referencing is of a
high standard in
accordance with the
UoN Harvard format.
Referencing is in
accordance with the
UoN Harvard format
Referencing has
errors in the UoN
Harvard format.
Referencing has major
Referencing is wholly
Clear understanding is
evident in the way
marketing theory is
employed and
Clear understanding is
evident in the way
marketing theory is
employed and
Application of
marketing theory
demonstrates a
reasonable level of
Application of
marketing theory
shows deficiencies in
Significant lack of
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