MT359 World Wildlife Foundation integrated marketing Public relations is a process of developing relationships with publics. The idea is to do good things

MT359 World Wildlife Foundation integrated marketing Public relations is a process of developing relationships with publics. The idea is to do good things and let people know what you are doing. People want to see businesses, both small and large, participate in, support, and contribute to quality-of-life issues. While not all internal practices and operations of organizations are going to satisfy everyone, companies will expose publics to organizational activities in which the stakeholders may be interested. Companies will find causes and events in which they will participate, hoping to present a positive image for the company brand. For this Assignment you are to go online to the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) website and search for various partners working with the WWF for causes and events.Choose a cause associated with the WWF and discuss how participation by the sponsoring/partnering organization will benefit.Write a 500-word summary of the cause/event and present your findings related to public relations benefits for the sponsoring organization.Include a conclusion and references in APA format. MT359: Advertising, Promotional, Printegrated
Marketing Communication Strategies
Unit 5 Assignment 1
Assignment Details and Rubric
Public Relations is a process of developing relationships with publics. The idea is to do good things
and let people know what you are doing. People want to see businesses, both small and large,
participate, support and contribute to quality of life issues. While not all internal practices and
operations of organizations are going to be satisfying to everyone, companies will expose publics to
organizational activities the stakeholders may be interested. Companies will find causes and events
in which they will participate hoping to present a positive image for the company brand.
1. For this Assignment you are to go online to the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) website
and search for various partners working with the WWF for causes and events.
2. Choose a cause associated with the WWF and discuss how participation by the
sponsoring/partnering organization will benefit.
3. You are to write a 500 word summary of the cause/event and present your findings related to
public relations benefits for the sponsoring organization.
4. Include a conclusion and references in APA format.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Before you submit your Assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location and
with a name that you will remember. Make sure your Assignment is in the appropriate format (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, or other).
Once completed, submit your Assignment to the Unit 5 Assignment 1 Dropbox. Assignments are due
Tuesday 11:59 p.m. ET of their assigned unit.
MT359: Unit 5 Assignment 1
Points Points
Possible Earned
Response addresses the required elements demonstrating analysis and
critical thinking:
Public Relations and WWF

Selection of WWF partner to analyze

Description of cause and benefits

Benefits for partners

Writing Style, Grammar, APA
Syntax and spelling.
MT359: Advertising, Promotional, Printegrated
Marketing Communication Strategies
Unit 5 Assignment 1
Response displays effort to analyze.
APA is used and correct.
Total Points

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