NUR4636 FNU People of Chinese And Guatemalan Heritage I have to response to two peers in my discussion board. I only need one paragraph per peer in the sam
NUR4636 FNU People of Chinese And Guatemalan Heritage I have to response to two peers in my discussion board. I only need one paragraph per peer in the same page.
Professor instructions:
Also remember that in order to get full credit on the blogs students must post a minimum of two responses to any of your peers every week with the appropriate references to sustained your post. Response like “I’m agree, good job, etc… will not be accepted. CHINESE AND GUATEMALAN HEALTH CARE BELIEFS
Rony Marino
Florida National University
Nursing Department
BSN Program
NUR 3655
February 6, 2019
Prof. Cassandre Milien, MSN, RN
Health care is a critical and fundamental issue that is valued by all people
globally. Health care of people is usually determined by their lifestyle in that, those
practicing a healthy lifestyle like eating healthy nutritional foods, keeping fit and visiting
health centers in times of illness will always have good health compared to those people
living being underfed, not getting balanced diets and not being able to access health
centers in times of illness.
Chinese are very respectable people and greatly value education so that their
children may get better lives and help improve their family hence the reason why many
Chinese teenagers spent most of their time in libraries studying. Chinese value their
traditional culture including their diets which they believe promote good health (Flora,
2018). For instance, they frequently use food and food derivatives because they prevent
and illnesses and diseases and also they increase strength in old and weak people.
Chinese belief good health begins even before birth hence they advise their women to
eat well-balanced diets during pregnancies like increasing meat consumption so that it
may increase nutrients in the blood which is required by the fetus. After delivery, they
advise their women to eat more food and avoid exposure to cold air touching or drinking
cold water during the first month after delivery because coldness can cause health
problems in them and thus affecting the infant too. Mothers are also advised to avoid
raw foods because they considered cold foods. Lactating mothers are encouraged to
take brown sugar and eat plenty of rice wine because initiates milk production to feed
the infant.
Common health problems in Chinese people are lactose intolerance,
Thalassemia, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, cardiovascular diseases, hepatitis b, and
diabetes. Chinese do not hesitate to seek for medical checkups when unwell because
they believe tolerating the illness may cause a worse situation. Many Chinese have
transitioned to Western medicine but others still believe in their traditional herbs, while
other practice both, Western and traditional medicines. Many people who practice the
traditional herbs are the older Chinese. During pains, Chines usually cope with it
through applying oils and massaging using warmth, relaxation or using herbs. To cure
pains, chines practice the use of moxibustion which is the application of heat from
different sources like garlic. Pain is also treated through cupping which is the use of
heated glass or cup which is put on the skin that creates a vacuum thus causing the
skin to be drawn in the glass jar or the cup hence curing the joint. Traditional chines
health practitioners are highly respected than western practitioners because western
practitioners cause a lot of pain and invasiveness in their treatments. In conclusion,
Chinese people show high respect to the dead because they believe their souls
transform into other good things in the underworld.
Just like the Chines people, Guatemalans are also very respective people and
value good health. Many of the Guatemalans live below poverty lines, therefore,
accessing well-balanced diets is a challenge to them. Guatemalans believe in nuclear
families, therefore, those who well up support their family members with food and other
effects. Many Guatemalans migrate to the United States in such good lives because in
their mother country there are very limited jobs. Because of poverty, many Guatemalans
die before the age of five years the causes of this high mortality rate is pneumonia,
diarrhea, circulatory diseases, communicable diseases, perennial conditions, and
Guatemalans take good care for pregnant mothers by providing them with
balanced diets and even after delivery. Many Guatemalans believe in traditional
practices thus they tie children hands in believe that that customary will make the child
be more hardworking and will not engage in bad activities like stealing (Booth, 2018).
Many Guatemalans have lactose intolerance, therefore, they do not take milk or milk
products because they may cause bloating and indigestion to them. When a
Guatemalan falls sick, he/she first seeks advice from mother or any respected elder.
They usually prefer traditional medications thus modern medication is usually the last
resort. Many delays in seeking medications and only do seek hospital medications when
the situation is worse. This is among the reasons why there are high mortality rates in
Guatemala. Many Guatemalans are uneducated thus risk a lot in agricultural farms in
the USA because they do not use protective gears on the farm unless they are first
informed about the dangers.
Chinese and Guatemalans health care beliefs are similar in that, they believe in
both traditional and western medicines. They also believe in eating well-balanced diets
for good health. The only reason that bars many Guatemalans from accessing a wellbalanced diet is poverty. The traditional health care beliefs in both heritages affect the
delivery of evidence-based healthcare in that, most people fail to access the modern
treatments thus increasing mortality. In conclusion, also, failure to access evidencebased healthcare may increase the spread of diseases in the society because people
may not have the knowledge of preventing the disease.
Booth, J. A. (2018). Understanding Central America: Global forces, rebellion, and
change. Routledge.
Flora, C. B. (2018). Rural communities: Legacy+ change. Routledge.
Roxana Tejera
Florida National University
Nursing Deoartment
BSN Program
NUR 4636
Prof. Cassandre Milien, MSN
Notably, both heritages have influenced the development of healthcare and
nursing. People who belong to the Asian cultures are mainly known for their reliance
on distinct health practices and beliefs that are quite different from the American
born natives and other immigrants. It is believed that patient’s beliefs can have a
significant amount of impact on their recovery process therefore, health practitioners
are advised to be familiar with them. This is mainly because of their philosophical
and religious ideologies. The Chinese beliefs encompass their way of education,
practice of acupuncture, herbal treatments, and the diet therapy. The Chinese beliefs
and philosophies influence greatly how the religion and the way people think about
nursing. Additionally, it is important to note that the future of the advancement of the
nursing research will be beneficial to the republics of Asia and the World at large
(Cai et al., 2015).
Chinese Heritage
In the 19th Century the Chinese started to identify their medicine as Dong Y so
that they can be able to distinguish it from the western colonial medicine. The
Westerners on the other hand, referred to the Chinese medicine as oriental
medicine. However, the most critical part understands the level of impact the health
beliefs have on the clinical care of the Asian patients which normally affects the
accuracy of the health histories and the compliance of the treatment compliance with
the western providers. The main difference between the western beliefs and the
Chinese beliefs is that while in America we believe that disease is caused by some
external forces such as viruses or bacteria or due to a degeneration of the functional
ability of the body. The Chinese belief that the body is whole and each part is
connected and most importantly that each organ has a mental as well as a physical
function (Cheng, Feng, &Hu, 2017).
It is important to learn that herbal medicine is prescribed according to the
patient’s individual condition and not on current symptoms only. Their approach has
been used for a long time to treat most health conditions and also, as a preventative
dietary supplement. In addition, their medicine can be combined with the western
therapies without any complications.
Guatemalan Heritage
In Guatemala it is important to note that just like their Chinese counterparts
they have chosen to preserve their traditions while incorporating the modern ideas
and technologies. However, there current laws and regulations continue to alter their
ethno medical health practices while on the other hand, the Mayan’s who have
settled in the United States continue to experience quite a lot of challenges when it
comes to accessing proper healthcare. However, it is important to note that in
Guatemalan there exists a proper ethno medical care but their belief in modern
medicine is greatly influenced by what they want through in the hands of their
colonial masters and also the racial profiling. Additionally, their conceptions of power
and authority greatly influence their interaction with the United States healthcare
system and its providers. Also, their health beliefs are transmitted through the
transnational communities. The Maya health tool kit for medical providers is set to
understand the numerous obstacles the immigrants face when receiving adequate
care in the United States. It is important to note that their worldview is based on the
concept of balance. Their beliefs basically lean on balancing the physical and
spiritual forces in their lives so that they can maintain equilibrium and hence achieve
health (Smith et al.,2010).
It is important to note that a cross cultural mindset requires that the health
practitioners understand everyone’s health beliefs and behaviours. Therefore,
clinicians are called upon to understand that each and every person subscribe to
certain cultural norms up to certain degrees. For instance, the Guatemalans utilize
the ethno medicine in America and have great value biomedical techniques and the
caregivers even if they normally don’t seek their services. Also, their view revolves
around their community and it affects their own physical health. They view that
illnesses have some cause in the physical world. Their medical beliefs play a social
role in the communities. This means if the Maya health beliefs fall out of their social
role of the illness will be affected by the cultural loss. The scholars conclude that
there is a health because it has the fourth highest rate of health problems. In
conclusion, the main similarity is that they value their healthcare beliefs are mainly
embedded in their cultural practices which every clinician need to be aware of
(Johanson, 2016).
Cai, D., Stone, T. E., Petrini, M. A., & McMillan, M. (2016). An exploration of the
health beliefs of Chinese nurses’ and nurse academics’ health beliefs: AQ‐
methodology study. Nursing & health sciences, 18(1), 97-104.
Cheng, L., Feng, S., & Hu, Y. (2017). Evidence-based nursing implementation in
Mainland China: A scoping review. Nursing outlook, 65(1), 27-35.
Johanson, L. (2016). Caring for the vulnerable: An exploration of Guatemalan
healthcare issues. Journal of Christian Nursing, 33(1), 44-49.
Smith‐Miller, C. A., Leak, A., Harlan, C. A., Dieckmann, J., & Sherwood, G. (2010,
January). “Leaving the comfort of the familiar”: Fostering workplace cultural
awareness through short‐term global experiences. In Nursing Forum (Vol. 45,
No. 1, pp. 18-28). Malden, USA: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
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