Oskar Kokoschka Art Analysis Project Overview: Choose a work of art that you would like to learn more about. Study the artist. Describe the medium (or med
Oskar Kokoschka Art Analysis Project Overview:
Choose a work of art that you would like to learn more about. Study the artist. Describe the medium (or media) used. Review the size/dimensions of the work. The year in which it was created. The artist’s influences, the theme of their work, what they are/were trying to express through it. Consider concepts such as symbolism – if there is any – the purpose of the work, what the work “does”, etc. Does it challenge our/your beliefs? Does it shock? Does it touch you/us emotionally? Or is it purely a work of personal self-expression? If it is self-expression, explain what is being expressed. These considerations are simply a starting point. You are encouraged to think about our discussion from our first class, What is Art? Make use of proper terminology to describe and interpret the work (see lecture on The Principles and Elements of Design for details on terms).
You should choose either a modern artist, modern theme (around 1860-1960) or
Contemporary (after 1960-present). This project must analyze a work of visual art (i.e.
painting, sculpture, architecture or any form which can be analyzed using the terms discussed in chapters two and three). Photography, performance art, fashion, time-based work – such as film or video – are all acceptable, but your analysis must focus on the visual elements. Be sure to verify your topic with me so we are in agreement that it is acceptable.
This paper must be at least four (4) doubled-spaced pages, prepared with one-inch margins. 12-point font in either Times/Times New Roman must be used. MLA formatting is required. At least ONE credentialed, secondary source should be included. This source must be properly
cited. Be advised, this submission is subject to Turn-It-In anti-plagiarism software. Remember to also include citations and references, any sources used. Oskar Kokoschka
Austrian 1886-1980
Portrait of Franz Hauer, 1914
Oil on canvas
In this portrait, Kokoschka employs expressive
brushstrokes to exaggerate the gaunt face,
bony hands, and loose fit of clothing on tavern
keeper Franz Hauer’s emaciated frame. Hauer
was a sympathetic collector of works by avant-
garde artists in Vienna and an early supporter
of Kokoschka, who portrays him in the final year
of his life. In spite of the subject’s frail appearance,
his character is reinforced by the broad paint-
handling that animates the surface of the work.
Kokoschka considered this one of his “black
portraits,” reflecting both the psychology of his
sitter and the deep anxiety that gripped Austrian
society as World War I approached.
Georgianna Sayles Aldrich Fund
and Museum Works of Art Fund 53.121
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