Outline, plan and flowchart for a website Imagine to design a website that has cognitive and/or a Social foundation. You are responsible to write an outlin

Outline, plan and flowchart for a website Imagine to design a website that has cognitive and/or a Social foundation. You are responsible to write an outline and a plan for this Web site and create a flow chart for it.Please use very simple English.Attached is a sample.Thanks! Mark Stockard
EDUI 620 Theory & Design E-Learning
Assignment2: Outline and write a plan for a Web site that has a Cognitive and/or a Social
1. Welcome (Modeling)
a. Introduction to the project with a title and graphic.
b. Explanation of the learning objective.
2. Presentation (Collaborate)
a. First page or tab will have content information and a graphic.
b. Second will have same content information and graphic presenting a problem or
c. Teach the content.
d. Repeat steps A and B until lesson plan is completed.
3. Practice (Research)
a. Different level learning activities. Beginning intermediate advanced.
b. Quiz the content.
4. Evaluate (Internalize)
a. Have a sequence of test activities that can determine the level of mastery the
user has achieved.
b. Assessment
c. Results will determine strengths and weakness of the learner’s comprehension
Create a simple cognitive website to teach a learner the topic. The content information will be
limited. Creating small simple pages will permit a bigger semantic site in the future. For
example, one lesson on addition (+) and another lesson on subtraction (-) vs. one lesson for
both addition and subtraction (+-). This approach will be better for future organization. Create
good site architecture before creating the site.
Identify the topic and design. The site will contain four tabs or sections: Welcome,
Presentation, Practice, and Evaluate. Welcome will be a simple landing page introducing the
topic, there will be a graphic and an explanation of the learning objective. The presentation
created in Animate will be interactive engaging in the learner attention. The presentation will
teach the learner the content information of the lesson. This could be a simple Animate with
Go-To-Next commands to navigate. The learner will study and learn the learning activity. After
completing the presentation, the learner will move on to the practicing the information
learned. The Learner will interact in the Practice portion of the site. Site developer will create
interactive learning activities using Animate. The learner will practice the content. Learner will
be able reset the question to change the answer around and test again. Finally, the Evaluate
tab will contain an interactive test. All the information presented thus far consolidated into a
series of assessments.

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