Peer Review Dr. Robinson and Winners Respond to your peers with a recommendation he or she can use to reach their targeted audience. Peer 1 Post (Timothy)

Peer Review Dr. Robinson and Winners Respond to your peers with a recommendation he or she can use to reach their targeted audience. Peer 1 Post (Timothy)
Dr. Robinson and Winners: My buyer (or student) tends to be a logical buyer but often
has a degree of emotional influence when choosing the most fitting MBA from Strayer
University. Our reading references the marketer to influence the customer by creating a
specific emotion around your product (Harris, 1). It further mentions how associated
stories connect areas of the brain to help process the data.
This process weighs heavily during my conversation with potential MBA students. They
are by no means impulse buyers and most do have some sort of idea as to how they
plan on approaching grad school and often have stretch goals to support their
efforts. As a JWMI student, I share my story as a retired, service connected Vet that
wants to get his education and start a new chapter in my career. I give my disposition
and explain why the JWMI program is the best program to fulfill my needs in the future.
As I am deep into the enrollment process with my students, I make my story compelling
and give the student a chance to make an emotional connection with purpose, often by
passing the heart of the program and focusing more on the heart strings and how the
experience makes you feel (Chron, 2). Most students can relate and have a unique
story of their own to tell.
1. Harris, Michael D. (2015). Harvard Business Review. When to Sell with Facts and Figures,
and When to Appeal to Emotions, pg 4
2. Chron, (2018, June 30). Difference in Rational and Emotional Marketing. Retrieved from marketing-23661.html
Peer 2 Post (Justin)
While I mostly agree with the Chron article that states, “the most effective
campaigns deploy both reason and emotion to support your product,” I’ve
found that most of our customers at my company “Relax the Feet” make their
decision based on emotion or how they are feeling that day. (Decker, 2018,
para. 5). While there are plenty of logical reasons to treat yourself to a foot
reflexology session, such as all of the health benefits and ability to relieve
stress and pain from the body, we typically receive the biggest response from
advertisements that highlight how the experience will make you feel. Our main
slogan is “Refresh, Relax, Escape” and we tend to put a bigger emphasis on
the “relaxation” part of the experience. This was actually a key concept in the
way we designed the premier locations to help us stand out from our
Traditionally, going to see a reflexologist was just like going to see your
chiropractor, or somewhat of a dull and boring activity on your to-do-list,
despite how it would make you feel afterwards. However, we wanted to create
more of a calm and relaxing spa type environment with dim lighting, candles,
glowing waterfalls and nature sounds etc., to let customers feel as if they
really treated themselves to a special and unique experience and temporary
escape from reality. Once customers are sold on this concept, they are
usually not too worried about the price and may not even understand the
science behind how reflexology works, but are just excited about experiencing
the unique and relaxing environment that we’ve created.
We have many customers that come in after a long day’s work or busy week
and are just looking for something to make them feel better. Some customers
will come in after seeing the relaxing images of the foot reflexology service on
our windows, or reading our sidewalk sign that usually says something like
“Feeling Stressed, Tired or Sore? Treat Yourself to the Quality Relaxation You
Deserve.” Most of our advertisements will also include images highlighting the
peace and serenity that you can expect to experience at our spa. Additionally,
our best form of advertising is word of mouth and the sharing of our reviews
online, which helps customers start to create a visual picture in their own
minds of what the experience will be like before they even come in. “One of
the best ways for a customer to experience your complex product is by
sharing a vivid customer story.” (Harris, 2015, p.4)
With that said, we do have some customers that come in primarily based on
logic. An example would be a customer whose doctor or chiropractor
recommends reflexology to them as a part of their overall treatment plan.
These customers will find us online and then book their session with us mainly
because of the professional advice they received, the proximity of our location
to their home, the list of benefits as shown on our website or prices compared
to other spas, or a combination of all of these factors. You can usually tell
these customers when they come in because they will generally ask more
questions and have specific preferences or areas of concern that they would
like to address.
Since we know some clients will come mainly for this reason, we aim to
provide plenty of helpful information for them to read up on our website as well
as additional information and charts for them to review once they come in for
their appointment. Additionally, all of our new members receive some
additional information in their membership bag regarding the health benefits
for them to go back and review later. This is particularly helpful for those
customers that just came in on a whim and decided to become a member
after enjoying their first experience with us. This way, when they go back
home and start to question whether or not they made the right decision, they
have some additional information to help support their decision from a logical
perspective, even if they initially just chose to join based on their emotions.
Decker, F. (2018). Difference in Rational & Emotional Marketing. Retrieved
Harris, M. (2015). When To Sell with Facts and Figures, and When to Appeal to Emotions.
Retrieved from

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