Performance Management Approach At Paychex, Inc. Case Study Read “Case Study 4-3: Choosing a Performance Management Approach at Paychex, Inc.. After readin

Performance Management Approach At Paychex, Inc. Case Study Read “Case Study 4-3: Choosing a Performance Management Approach at Paychex, Inc.. After reading the Paychex case study, answer the two questions posted at the end of the case. Justify and support your responses. Do you agree or disagree with others’ assessments? Why or why not?

* Direction:

* Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument.

* citing any sources referenced and inside the text.

* APA style academic writing

* 4-6 paragraphs include ( Introduction – Body – Conclusion ) CASE STUDY 4-3
Choosing a Performance Measurement
Approach at Paychex, Inc.
The following job description is for an account executive at companies, then that account executive is expected to attend
Paychex, Inc. ( Paychex, Inc., is a leading retail trade shows and professional meetings to identify
national provider of payroll, human resources, and benefits potential clients and to stay current with the issues facing the
outsourcing solutions for small- to medium-sized businesses. retail industry.
Paychex is headquartered in Rochester, New York, but the
company has more than 100 offices and serves hundreds of
thousands of clients nationwide. Because account executives
often make sales calls individually, their managers do not • Performing client needs analysis to ensure that the
always directly observe their performance. Furthermore, man- major market services product can meet a client’s
agers are also responsible for sales in their markets and for requirements and expectations.
staying up-to-date on payroll laws. However, account execu- • Establishing clients on the host processing system.
tives are responsible for training new account executives Acting as primary contact for the client during the
and networking in the industries in which they sell products.
conversion process.
For example, if an account manager is responsible for retail Supporting clients during the first few payrolls.
Chapter 4 • Defining Performance and Choosing a Measurement Approach
Completing the required documentation to turn
the client over to customer service for ongoing
Scheduling and making client calls and, when
necessary, supporting sales representatives in
presales efforts.
• Keeping abreast of the major market services
system and software changes, major changes
and trends in the PC industry, and changes in
wage and tax law.
1. Based on the above description, assess whether
Paychex should use a behavior approach, a
results approach, or a combination of both to
measure performance.
2. Using the accompanying table as a guide, place
check marks next to the descriptions that apply
to the job of account executive. Explain why
you chose the approach you did.
Behavior approach to measuring performance is most appropriate when
the link between behaviors and results is not obvious
outcomes occur in the distant future
poor results are due to causes beyond the performer’s control
Results approach to measuring performance is most appropriate when
workers are skilled in the necessary behaviors
behaviors and results are obviously related
results show consistent improvement over time
there are many ways to do the job right

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