Personality Psychology essay In lessons five through eight, you learned additional information concerning personality psychology. This written assignment w

Personality Psychology essay In lessons five through eight, you learned additional information concerning personality psychology. This written assignment will allow you to apply practical concepts learned from lessons five, six, seven, and eight, combined with concepts learned from lessons one through four. You may also incorporate relevant peer-reviewed journal articles to help provide support for your selected response.

Given that social media is a huge part of daily life with nearly 70% of adults using some type of social media platform, one can only wonder if there are any personality factors that influence social media use.

Based on your knowledge of the major personality theories, what personality factors and/or traits are associated with individuals’ social media use?Be sure to select at least one (1) of the following theoretical perspectives of personality when forming your response.
Discuss how those personality factors identified in Question 1 influence how and why people use social media.
Trait perspective
Motive perspective
Genetics, evolution, biological processes, and personality perspective
Psychoanalytic perspective
Psychosocial perspective
Learning perspective
Self-actualization perspective
Self-determination perspective
Cognitive perspective
Self-regulation perspective ASSIGNMENT 08
S08 Psychology of Personality
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth
College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use
correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response
should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific
format requirements.
In lessons five through eight, you learned additional information concerning personality
psychology. This written assignment will allow you to apply practical concepts learned from
lessons five, six, seven, and eight, combined with concepts learned from lessons one through
four. You may also incorporate relevant peer-reviewed journal articles to help provide support
for your selected response.
Given that social media is a huge part of daily life with nearly 70% of adults using some type of
social media platform, one can only wonder if there are any personality factors that influence
social media use.
1. Based on your knowledge of the major personality theories, what personality factors
and/or traits are associated with individuals’ social media use? Be sure to select at least
one (1) of the following theoretical perspectives of personality when forming your
• Trait perspective
• Motive perspective
• Genetics, evolution, biological processes, and personality perspective
• Psychoanalytic perspective
• Psychosocial perspective
• Learning perspective
• Self-actualization perspective
• Self-determination perspective
• Cognitive perspective
• Self-regulation perspective
2. Discuss how those personality factors identified in Question 1 influence how and why
people use social media.

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