Phase 1 Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting an Innovation The idea is attached belowIdentification of the selected idea for the project accompanied by a d

Phase 1 Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting an Innovation The idea is attached belowIdentification of the selected idea for the project accompanied by a description of the model used to evaluate the idea. Include the results of the evaluation, which will serve as the justification for the team’s selection. Preliminary forecast the most significant challenges that could impede the development of the selected idea.Just summarize the attachmentNo more than 3 paragraphs Phase 1-Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting an Innovation
Idea: A local facility where teens, recent graduates and young adults who are scared of adulthood can go
to learn how to be an adult. The building would have classrooms where things like how to file taxes, how to
correctly apply for a job, where can we fill out information on healthcare benefits and insurance. They can
learn how to manage credit and open a checking account. There will be weekly “job fairs” and local
professionals who will come in and discuss the importance of what they did to get where they are. The
model used was NOMMAR.
N: Customer Need
The need for a facility like this is of high importance in today’s society. Many teachers in high school,
guidance counselors etc. only focus on getting their students to graduation. And the few that help their
students about what comes after simply focus on making sure they go on to further their education in
college. What they and so many fail to realize is that maybe college isn’t for everyone, maybe they need a
job in order to get by, maybe these students who are now considered adults are left to fend for themselves.
O: Technology Options
There are a lot of places such as tutor centers that offer services as these but they are services only
offered to those who attend the school or program. This facility will offer a variety of needs and outlets that
are currently unreachable.
M: Potential Market
This center will have a focus group for the people in today’s society who need assistance. It will target a
young demographic. For instance, teens and young adults who range from ages 16-25. But will not limit it
self as I’m sure there are adults who who benefit from these services as well. Be sure to realistically assess
M: business model (someone could do it)
Other companies have facilities but they do not recognize the need for the focus group of people. This
“center” will be accessible to any age group but as stated before a focus on young adults between 16 and
25. T will be a service to society and to the people.
A: Realistic Approach
Currently, in my society and I would assume in many others, a facility such as this does not exist. It would
be a first. A risk would be funding and budgetary needs.

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