Port Scanning Countermeasures Discussion please see what i attached and follow the instructions please see what i attached and follow the instructions 100

Port Scanning Countermeasures Discussion please see what i attached and follow the instructions please see what i attached and follow the instructions 100 words at least Port Scanning Countermeasures
You are evaluating port scanning countermeasures to help prevent an attacker from
acquiring information about your network. The options you are considering are the
deny-all approach, firewall testing, and security awareness.
Answer the following question(s):
1. Which countermeasure is likely to offer the most protection, and why?
2. Which countermeasure is likely to offer the least protection, and why?
All discussion posts must be at least 100 words
Initial responses are due by Wednesday. Respond to two of your peers posts no
later than Friday at 11:59PM.
Be sure to cite all outside knowledge using proper APA formatting.

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