POS500 GCU Week 5 Cyberbullying and First Amendment Discussion A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classmate’s Faceboo
POS500 GCU Week 5 Cyberbullying and First Amendment Discussion A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classmate’s Facebook page. In 500-750-words, address the following:Steps you are required to take that are consistent with state statutes, your district’s school board policies, faculty handbook, and the student handbook;Any First Amendment arguments you think the student with the Facebook page may raise; andResponses you could make to the First Amendment arguments that are consistent with the cases in the assigned readings. Save Link
Assignment Cyberbullying and the First Amendment
Due Date: Jul 18, 2018 23:59:59
Max Points: 100
A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classmate’s Facebook page. In 500-750-words,
address the following:
1. Steps you are required to take that are consistent with state statutes, your district’s school board policies,
faculty handbook, and the student handbook;
2. Any First Amendment arguments you think the student with the Facebook page may raise; and
3. Responses you could make to the First Amendment arguments that are consistent with the cases in the assigned
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.
Reading Resource Tools for WEEK 5
28. Bethel Sch. District v. Fraser
Read “Bethel School District v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986),” from Nexis Uni.
29. Free Speech and Public Schools
Read “Free Speech and Public Schools,” from the Center for Public Education (2006).
30. Hazelwood Sch. District v. Kuhlmeier
Read “Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988),” from Nexis Uni.
31. Morse v. Frederick
Read “Morse v. Frederick, 551 U.S. ___ (2007),” from Nexis Uni.
32. Tinker v. Des Moines School District
Read “Tinker v. Des Moines School District, 393 U.S. 503 (1969),” from Nexis Uni.
Writing Samples for Review
CyberBullying and
First Amendment SusanRandall.docx
ggia_CyberBullyingFirst Amendment.docx
ply Rubrics
Cyberbullying and the First Amendment
Target Evidence
100.0 %Category
35.0 %Description of
School, District, and
State Policies
40.0 %Application of
First Amendment
15.0 %Essay
10.0 %Mechanics
A clear description of school, district, or state policies to be
followed is presented. Appropriate steps to be taken are
clearly presented.
Clearly presents First Amendment arguments that the
student could raise and provides thoughtful responses to
those arguments.
Purpose statement and related conclusion are clear and
convincing. Information is well-organized and logical.
Argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and
compelling manner.
Submission is nearly/completely free of mechanical errors
and has a clear, logical conceptual framework. Word
choice reflects well-developed use of practice and contentrelated language. Sentence structures are varied and
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